Episode 4: Green Bandits

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The red and blues rode three warthogs. Gears board the driving seat. Grif in the passenger's and Sarge on the gunner's position. He quickly stepped in to the gas pedal. "Follow me!" He said again. The other two behind them followed. He come across two plateau and one deep lake. "You drive like a drunken person. Did you take any alcohol?" Grif asked. "No! I'm more of a walker than a driver!" Gears replied as he breath heavily. They come across another plateau from their left side when someone with green Mk. V [B] blew their warthog. "Who is that? Another agent?" Grif asked. "No, the green bandits." Gears replied as a lot of guys with the same armor and color showed up. Wyrick, Zimmerman and Grajeda took cover to their warthog from the raining bullets. Wyrick watched the Reds and blues also covering fire. "Zimmerman, cover me. Wyrick, head to Gears and tell him to infiltrate the hill they were standing and kill them. I'll cover him." Grajeda said. Grajeda watched the blue soldier in Security armor head to Gears. Grajeda quickly hopped in the warthog's turrets and opened fire at the green soldiers. Zimmerman also fired his weapon. Some of the green bandits were shot and retreated. But they didn't know that they called backup. "Oh come on!!" Grif complained. Grajeda turned to Gears as he shook his head. Wyrick returned to him. "He said that he won't follow a blue's order." Wyrick said. Grajeda got annoyed and opened fire near him. "What the crap is your freaking problem?!" Gears asked. "We won't win this fight if you don't do what I says!!" Grajeda replied. "Why do I have to infiltrate them?" Gears asked. "Because you got the skills of an infiltrator!" Grajeda screamed back as he killed another green. "Fine! But I won't do it for you!" Gears said. "Who says you are doing it for me?" Grajeda asked. Grajeda watched the Red in Mk. IV armor as he infiltrates the hill. Both force were exchanging fires. A lot of bullets were withdrawed from the recoils of everybody's gun. "I need some ammo!!" Simmons said. Grajeda spotted someone with plasma grenade. When he was about to shoot them, someone hit him with a rocket launcher. "AAAARRRRRRGGGGGHHHHH!!!!" Grajeda screamed as he flew back away from the group. Grajeda saw Zimmerman gonna approach him but something sticks behind his Scout helmet. He watched the Blue with the Scout armor explodes. His blood sputtered everywhere. "No." He murmured. Wyrick approached him. "Are you alright?" He asked. He simply shook hid head indicating Wyrick that he's not ok. Wyrick pulled a medkit from his back and bandaged him up. The firings suddenly stopped and Gears stood in the top of the hill triumpantly. Everybody cheered. Wyrick helped Grajeda sat in the warthog. He watched Zimmerman's body silently while the Reds in front of the second warthog flips their warthog. They set out heading to the VANGUARD facility.

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