Episode 7: Tucker's arrival

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Tucker arrived at ragnarok. He saw dead bodies of red. "Is there a party that happened here? Why didn't they invite me?" He asked. As he enters the base, he found Wyrick's rubber duck with rotten flesh. "S***! Someone left their own diarrheoa here! The guy who did this must be an animal. He don't know how to use a bathroom!" Tucker said. Tucker turned back outside to refresh his mind. He thought that the thing is a manure since the thing became black and rotten but when he looked down, he saw warthog's tracks.


"Alright Grif, since Gears is your friend, can you lead us to the VANGUARD's director and stop this crap that happening now?" Simmons asked. "Right. Follow me." Grif said. Grif entered the entrance where Zebra got out earlier. A lot of scientist with EVA armor suddenly can be found. "Oh crap they created an army of the Meta!!" Grif said loudly and suddenly the scientists turned to them. They pulled their pistols and firing at them. The red and blues retreated. Simmons peaked and shot at the large cylinder which contains a green liquid. It suddenly flooded the room killing the scientists and now the strange liquid is entering the room they were in. "Run! The radiation liquid is capable of poisoning your brains killing you!" Simmons said. The others followed Simmons. The foreign liquid is also in their tracks. The gang got out and so the liquid but it suddenly dried as it hit the sun. "Wow, that must be a light-sensitive liquid." Simmons said.


Tucker arrived at the battlefield where the blues and reds fought the green bandits. "This is bloody." Tucker murmured as he saw Zimmerman's wrecked body. "Poor blue. You should have just hide rather than fight." He thought. The tracks doesn't just end in the battlefield. He followed the tracks again.


The gang entered the facility again. They entered the scientists' room only to find out that Agent Chameleon is waiting for them. He was wearing a HAZOP helmet with CQC arm guards and torso, and a CQB leg guard. His armor was also painted with camouflage. His armor is also covered with ghili suit. "Who is that? Wait is that Tarzan?" Grif asked. Chameleon suddenly disappeared from the plain site. "Where is he?" Simmons asked. Suddenly, Grif felt his center of the gravity being kicked. "AAARRGGHH!!" Grif screamed. Simmons got kicked making him crash to Caboose, Sarge, and Wyrick. Wyrick pulled one of his rubber duck. He listened closely as someone suddenly lifts him up. Wyrick smashed his rubber duck at someone who lifts him. The attacker accidentally drops him. The blood and flesh acts as a marker to the gang making Chameleon visible but not completely visible. The gang opened fire at the stunned Agent because he was busy wiping off the wierd things on his visor. As chameleon regained his focus and removed the dirt from his visor, he stared at Grif, but Grif fired at something that made his armor spark. Now every certain movements he do, he will be slightly visible.


Tucker arrived at the checkpoint. He come across a destroyed guard house with squashed human inside it. "WTF." He murmured. He followed the tracks until it leads to two flipped warthogs. He also saw a blue in a recon armor. It was Grajeda's dead body. "Another blue down." He murmured. He heard some firings inside a facility. He entered that facility only to find out Gears's dead body and the reds and blue trying to kill an invisible enemy. Tucker pulled a plasma grenade and threw it at Chameleon. Chameleon suddenly exploded. "Who's that?" Wyrick asked. "Great. Tucker's here. I just hope he's dead." Caboose thought. "Who's that guy in a Security armor?" Tucker asked. "New recruit." Caboose replied.

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