Episode 8: Killing two birds with one stone

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A platoon of VANGUARD soldiers are congregating in the third room. It was a storage room. Agent Beetle with his Mk. VI armor and Agent Cobra with her CQC armor is also guarding the third room too. Caboose kicked the door opened and threw his grenade to the platoon blowing some of them up. The gang entered the room and also opened fire at the platoon but they fought back. The gang took cover in a scattered, big, weapon crates. Sarge secretly and quietly sneak behind them. He opened fired killing some soldiers. The gang also fired finishing them off. Agent Beetle and Cobra opened fire at them. Cobra's black and brown armor is dark enough to camouflage her. "Folks, I have a plan. Come here!" Sarge said. "What's the plan sir?" Simmons asked. Sarge told them all what to do.

Agent beetle stopped firing. He approached the hiding position of the red and blue. He found out that they are not hiding there anymore. The gang used their Rocket Launchers which they found to kill Agent Beetle. The plan was successful. They killed Beetle. Cobra saw Beetle's body being pushed away. She was curious of what was happening. Tucker suddenly appeared behind her. He quickly stabbed her. "Cobra's dead." Tucker said.

Red vs. Blue: VANGUARDTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang