Episode 6: Death of Zebra

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Wyrick is left behind the checkpoint as the Reds and Blue infiltrated the facility. The first place they entered was the military barracks. A lot of VANGUARD soldiers were chatting, preparing, eating and sleeping. Caboose opened fire and none of them are even hit. They all laugh at caboose but they didn't know that it was Sarge's plan. Wyrick's warthog suddenly entered the scene. It destroyed the wall above caboose. The warthog is full of grenade from the dead soldiers. Wyrick jumped to the ground and suddenly the warthog exploded mid air. The bullets from the turrets suddenly cooked and started hitting everyone. Wyrick activated his armor lock so it would protect him. The soldiers have been eliminated. "Wahoo!!" The reds and blues cheered. Zebra suddenly punched the door that leads to the next room. "Who are those noisy arseholes that sounded like a fag***? Zebra asked. The Red and Blues opened fire. Caboose hid inside a sleeping tent where he could hide. Zebra opened fired at Gears making him bleed. Sarge opened fire but zebra skillfully dodged it and now he threw his pistol at Sarge knocking him down. Zebra rolled to avoid Simmon's bullets. He kicked Simmons making him crash in a weapon tent. Grif threw a grenade at Zebra but he forgot to pull the pin. Zebra caught the grenade and threw it back at Grif hitting him in the center of the gravity. Wyrick tried to stop Zebra by jumping at him but instead, Zebra caught him and threw him to Sarge. "Caboose where the heck are you?" Grif asked as he held his burned center of the gravity. "Sneaking, I am sneaking." Caboose said as he exited the tent. As he got out, something heavy pound behind him. It was Zebra. Zebra lifts caboose and threr him at Gears killing Gears. "Nobody threw me like that!!" Caboose said as he tried to stay calm but he can't hold his anger. "I AM MICHAEL J. CABOOSE!!" Caboose screamed as he punched Zebra making him fly. Zebra suddenly landed on the cold hard ground of the barracks killing him. The group stood up and left Gears's body since they can be discovered.

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