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Love is a war

That's all I can say

We see it around us


So many people

Dream of having

That fairytale ending

But I'm just laughing


It'll all go wrong

Just listen to

The sad love songs

You'll get left

And you will cry

And on the inside

You will die

You're in pain

But it will end

Just go and find

A new boyfriend

You're so desperate

Could say thirsty

But I swear

You're so not worthy

He's a diamond

And look at you

You are just

A pile of poo

I'm just here

Watching you

Looking at

"The cutest two"

All I see

Is disaster

I wish he

Could see it faster

You're not the one

He really needs

I'm not saying

That it's me

All I'm saying

Is he could do better

But look at me

So under the weather

He makes me sad

I don't know why

He shouldn't make me

Melt inside

But he does

Here's the sad part

I think he kind of

Has my heart


Hehe, I said poo XD

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