Feeling Of Death

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Feeling Of Death;

She scrolled through the comments

Reading them all

Seeing the hate

As her self-esteem falls

Reading the words

That go under her skin

She takes them to heart

And you know you'll win

She's no match for your words

You make her weak

Everything that you say

Makes her think

She thinks about how

She looks through your eyes

And tries to imagine

How it'd feel to die

She can't quite grasp it

What she ever did

For her to become

Another abused kid

Her family hates her

And so do her peers

So she sits alone

And drowns in her tears

The room slowly fills

With the water from her eyes

And she finally knows

What it feels like to die

Her body went numb

The pain slipped away

And all she could see

Was a world without hate

Everyone here

Understood her situation

So none of them judged

Her arrival without invitation

They knew she belonged here

In this world without hate

So all they could do

Was keep it that way

The feeling of death

Is a feeling without pain

And in the end

The feeling of gain

She gained her praise

And they gained a girl

That was forever

A part of this world

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