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I asked you why you stared at me and you said

"Because you're beautiful."

You asked me why you wouldn't stare and I

didn't say a word.

I felt there was no need to- you already knew my point of view. My answer would've simply been

"Because I'm not."

And your eyes watered because you knew. I looked in your eyes- glistening with tears- and that's when I saw the most hideous thing I've ever seen in your eyes before-

My reflection-

And I buried my head in your shoulder and cried because I'm deathly afraid that one day you'll see me how I see myself-



Convos with le bf like this make me feel like an ass ;-; -sigh- . . bye . 👋

{ this & the previous poem were written in the same night -tonight- bcs I can't sleep cause I feel ass-y }

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