Message Of Love

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Heyy my love ! I know you're probably

asleep , but I just wanted to tell you how much

I love you .

I know you already know this , but still ; I love you

more than anyone has ever loved anyone else before .

I love you more than

Minnie loves Micky

& Bella loves Edward

& Noah loves Allie

& Juliet loves Romeo

& the fat kid loves cake

all put together .

I love absolutely everything about you -

from the way your hair always lays perfectly

to your toes that I've never truly seen because you say you don't like your feet /0\

I just love you entirely .

No one else will ever

compare to you & hopefully won't even get a chance to .

You're the love of my life ,

the apple of my eye ,

my knight in shining armor ,

& hopefully my happily ever after <3

I love & miss you so much bby , but

I don't care how long I have to wait

to see you ; you're worth the wait .

I hope you know that no matter what ,

I won't let anyone come between us ;

I am yours

& you are mine

& we are one <3

I love you my forever & always ,

infinity & beyond ,

Prince Charming ,

Joeb <3

I love you ;

& whenever you read this . .

I hope it's not weird or anything . .

If it is ,

you can punch me or something ;

I won't mind bcs

I love you . .

Goodnight , XOXO ;*


Not really a poem . . Just something I sent to my boyfriend that I fell in love with after reading it 184919828492 times 😭💗

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