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After 9 months

When I was born

I seemed to be

Very adored

But now I'm older

And it seems

Everyone has

Almost forgotten me

It all came in stages

The drifting away

It all started

With rude little names

When I was 4

I started school

And some people

Called me a fool

My grades were high

But that meant nothing

Some people thought

I was there for punching

But I had friends

A lot in fact

So they helped me

Get them back

When I was little

I craved revenge

But now I know

It only digs the trench

In 4th grade

Most friends went away

They wouldn't give me

The time of day

I was lonelier

But I said nothing

Attention was all

That I was wanting

In 7th grade

I moved schools

And even there

I was hated too


I got a boyfriend

But I left him

In the end

I only have

Two true friends

That came out

Of those events

Two true friends

Still by my side

And for them

I'd give my life

One's named Lizet

She's my boo

She helps me daily

To simply get through

Then there's Kearra

She's my babe

I'm at her house


They both listen

All the time

Even when

I seem to whine

They are my life

And I just hope

I won't fuck up

Cause they are dope

They look past

All my issues

And sometimes I

Help tie their shoes ^.~

All I have to do

Is send a text

And there they are

To me they're next

Forever by my side

Robbing some banks

And to them I must say:

THANKS!! <33



The shoes and banks are inside jokes, nothing serious... Well I do tie Lizet's shoes from time to time(;

Anywhore, love you, boos!

And thanks for reading everyone(:

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