Chapter five

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Sorry I was taking my sweet time to make an update, but here you go.
If you like the chapter vote for it on one of the pages and comment if you want, enjoy....


Camera lenses are circle but pictures always come out as square or rectangular.

"Adventure Time" Is based on a post apocalypse where Finn is the only human left alive.

Whoever snuck the 's' into "fast food" was really sneaky and smart.

When someone tells me I look "just like my brother." Just great.

When you have an itch on your foot so you stomp around like an idiot.

You open your closest and find nothing to wear, despite the abundant amount of clothing inside it.

I'm not ignoring your snapchats I'm just too ugly to reply right now.

That awks moment when you realize if Taylor swift and Taylor lautner get married they'll  both be Taylor lautner.

When the teacher erases the board but leaves a mark or two I go insane on the inside.

"Proceed being an Internet explorer.
I mean like explorer of the Internet, don't use the web browser Internet explorer. God forbid, who do you think I am?" - troye sivan

When I talk to you, my day gets a whole lot better.

"I'm angry because contrary to belief, I am not Beyoncé!" - troye Sivan

I've known my parents my entire life, but they only known me for a small part of theirs.

Don't worry if someone doesn't text you back. Most people only check their phones every five seconds all day long :)

Our small stupid conversations mean much more to me than you'll ever know...

Brain: oh hey, I see you're seconds away from asleep. Allow me to take this time to flood you with the most amazing ideas EVER, all of which you will have forgotten by morning :)

IF YOU DONT HAVE ANYTHING NICE TO SAY, come sit next to me and we'll make fun of people together.

Friend: bruh, that song is so old
Me: well so is your mum and you still listen to her

THE TRUTH HURTS: the world is a hard and lonely place and nobody gets anything for free and you know what? One day, you and everyone you know is gonna die. - Huey Freeman

When your name is in a math problem

*whole class stares at you *

You: yeah bitches I bought 58 watermelons.

Not finishing off a sentence just to make people angry because you

Overprotective parents raise the best liars.

Girls get jealous because they know what other girls are capable of.


This is the end of the chapter one I promise I will update my chapters sooner than I have been lately. I hope you like this chapter, if you did, please give it your vote & follow me, I'll follow you back. have a nice day/night ♡♡♡

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