8.An Ad hoc Family Reunion

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DeLouise pulls over in the drive way and Michael stands by the entrance of the house with his hands suspended on his waist in relief that Veronica is back.
He strolls towards the car and opens the door to find her sprawled over the backseat in a snooze. A small smile plays on his lips as he leans in to have a better view and he gently pushes away the numerous curls that cascade over her face. She groans slightly but continues to sleep and he can't restrain himself from dipping his head down and planting a kiss on her moist forehead.

He heaves a sigh, he was a mess right now. He hadn't been able to focus on anything for the past few hours because his mind kept digressing from whatever he tried to occupy himself with and all he could think of was Veronica, the date, the man she was with, what they were doing. It was all ridiculous but he couldn't help but be upset that she went on a date, albeit it wasn't romantic. Even though Veronica had given him her word that all would be fine, he just couldn't stop being perturbed about it. He honestly didn't understand if it was because he wanted her to be safe or because he was angry that she was out with another man-for some reason, the thought of someone else having her gave him an unfamiliar ache in his chest.

He thanks DeLouise for bringing her home before scooping her into his arms, she continues to groan in her sleep and he does his best to be gentle as he takes her inside the house, up the stairs and into her room.

He settles her down onto the bed, takes off her shoes and pulls the covers over her. As he eases her purse onto the dresser, he hears her stifle a yawn. Michael turns to view her as she rubs her eyes and squints at him, her hair is loose and messy and he muses at how beautiful she looks even when she is barely trying.

"Hey." he coos at Veronica who is still trying to recover from her nap.

She props herself up with her elbows and shakes her curls away from her face so that she can see clearly.

"Hey." She smiles at him tiredly before stifling another yawn and Michael chuckles slightly at her adorableness.

"I'm sorry, I didn't mean to wake you." He strides towards the bed and sits down next to her.

"It's fine, I would have woken up anyways. This dress makes me itch so bad I kinda regret wearing it."

Michael raises an eyebrow in amusement at Veronica and she scowls at him, silently daring him to comment. Luckily he knows better and remains mute.

"How are you?" She asks sincerely as she remembers the rage with which he left the restaurant, never again could she pull such a stunt. It took all the strength in her to allow him leave like that, if she could she would have just given Chadrick a raincheck but she had a point to prove. How was she supposed to stay married to him for nine months if as simple a thing as this was too much for him to trust her with?

"Better. Now that you are safely tucked in bed." He smiles wryly and reaches to stroke her hair.

"You had nothing to worry about. I asked you to trust me."

Michael sighs. "It isn't you that I don't trust, Veronica." He gives a resigned look and Veronica doesn't say anything, it obviously wouldn't change anything even if she kept preaching about Chadrick's harmlessness.

"You should have some rest. Tomorrow, I have something interesting in mind for us." He smirks slyly and Veronica's pupils dilate. Is there anyway on Mother Earth that this is a good thing?

"What do you mean by interesting? Michael."

Michael stares down at her, a ghost of a smile playing on his lips and she isn't enjoying his amusement.

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