14. Nostlgia

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"Veronica!" His voice bounces off the walls and ceilings, unanswered.

He yells again. "Veronica!" Still, nothing. 

The house is empty, her room is empty. All of her belongings have been packed up and except for the soft sweet smell of lavender lingering in the air, there's no sign whatsoever that she was ever here.

He runs out of the house frantically and shouts out for DeLouise. It doesn't take long for him to heed his boss' call.

"Where is she?" Michael asks. His forehead is glistening with sweat, he is out of breath and his countenance is clearly stricken with worry.

"Sir. She asked me to take her home, to her house. There was an emergency. It seemed as though a loved one had passed away suddenly."

Michael's shoulders sink. He knew from the little Veronica had ever told him that the only family she had was one sister. Could it be her?

"What? How is she? Take me to her immediately."  He demands and begins to head for the vehicle.

" Sir." DeLouise says firmly, stopping Michael in his tracks.

"I know this is not my place or any of my business but, I wouldn't call it wise if you go after Mrs.Grahamsteen today. Give her time to herself, to grieve and to mourn and to come back to you on her own terms and in her own time. It would be the selfless thing to do." The old man says as though he were giving advice to his own son.

Michael hates the idea of not being able to comfort her right now, but he agrees that DeLouise is right. Veronica probably hated his guts right now. He had broken her heart in such a cruel manner and she probably didn't want to see his face again. The last thing he wanted to do was add onto her pain.

He retreats back into his home and it had to be the longest night of his life. He left her some voicemails, telling her he was sorry for his actions and that he was aware of the situation. He also told her that he was giving her space to mourn but if she needed anything she should just call right away and he would be there.

He downed several glasses of his finest whisky and went to sleep on a couch in his study. She never replied or called back.

The next day, he took time off from work. He just wanted to be home, available, waiting for any moment that Veronica would call and need him. It was a futile wait.

He passed time by painting, it hurt because it brought back memories of her. After all, it was because of her he found inspiration to return to the easel. Everything reminded him of her, the sky seemed more grey, the lights seemed less bright. His world seemed so empty.

He takes a stroll round his grand mansion and when he eventually finishes. He realizes it is all meaningless. Everything  he'd toiled for was meaningless, all that he owned, meaningless. What was the use of acquiring so much if he couldn't have it along with the woman he loved.

When it is lunch time, Nadine forces him to lunch. She literally says no to him when he tells her he doesn't feel like eating.

"She loves you, Mr. Grahamsteen. She knows the man that you are and she loves you for it. You have to believe that. Now, come eat and I will not be taking no for an answer." She demanded firmly and then followed the statement up with a wide smile.

Of course, Michael didn't dare defy her.

After lunch, he continued to pass time by doing some reading until nightfall. That was when the house was the loneliest. He could hear almost anything.

He decides to visit what used to be Veronica's room. He honestly came to detest the idea of them having two separate bedrooms but he knew it was for the best.

The bed was perfectly made, the carpets thoroughly vacuumed. No doubt Nadine had been here.

He surveyed the room over and over as he stood, planted in one spot. He recalled the memories they shared here. The first time he kissed her, the moment she told him she loved him.

That moment had to be one of the happiest in his life. That someone as precious and golden as Veronica Goddard could look to him and find something to love beneath all of his flaws. He never thought it possible.

He never even thought it was possible that he could ever love, he never knew what it looked like for a man to love and cherish a woman. Yet, Veronica had challenged him and oh did he want to show her he was up to the task, he wanted to be the man she saw in him. But currently, he was failing miserably and he had possibly lost her forever.

He walks toward the vanity and pulls out the drawers. His heart breaks into a million pieces when he sees her marriage band lying there next to the many jewelry items he'd gifted her including the locket he gave her.

Again, he could sense the handiwork of Nadine. She'd probably put them away, hoping he wouldn't come across them.
But he did, and now it seemed as though his world was crashing down.

She took off her ring. What was he supposed to think?

In her walk in closet also hung every dress he gave her. The shoes, the purses, all of it. She didn't even leave him a note or anything, what was he supposed to make of all of this.

He fell to the ground. She had washed herself clean of him. She wanted nothing, absolutely nothing to do with him.

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