11. The Pursuit of Happiness

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Author's Note: Hello everyone 😊 I usually don't do Authors notes but in the past month I've received an overwhelming amount of support from many of my readers and I just wanted to take this chance to say thank you so much for your inboxes, comments, votes, etc. It means a lot, more than you know, especially when my writing pace is equivalent to that of a sloth☹️😬. Nevertheless, please be patient with me, got some great stuff coming your way. I would just like to shoutout
@MarsierraA @kishana @BeLikeSnow @backgrounddrop @NyunShen and @Royalgreyy . Y'all keep me going 😂🤗


"I'm sorry that this is coming late as per our arrangement, but the money had to go through the proper channels. You do understand the need for caution on our part." Naomi hands Veronica a piece of paper.

"Proof of the transfer. Although, I trust all the proof you need is already sitting in your account by now."

"It's okay, I understand. Thanks." Veronica opens the paper to see for herself and although she knows the amount to expect, it doesn't stop her heart from skipping several beats at the number of zeroes on the piece of paper. This was it, the first real progress she'd made since she began this whole charade a little over a month ago.

"If you have any queries, please, do not hesitate to contact me." Naomi smiles as she raises herself up from Veronica's bed and retrieves her belongings.

"I have to go now, work calls. Have a great week, Veronica."

"Have a great week too, Naomi. Thanks again for everything."

They hug goodbyes and before long Naomi is on her way.

Veronica stands in the middle of her room, bewildered. She still can't believe it, this money was more than enough to provide her sister with the proper medical attention she required. She does a victory dance around her room for about a minute or two, occasionally bumping into furniture before encouraging herself to calm down if not she might just have to pay for medical attention for herself as well.

She quickly changes out of her robe and proceeds to shower. It does not take her long to get dressed as she isn't making any extra efforts to look good. Today she's spending her day in her world, and not this make believe one she'd created.  She's showing up to work at the coffee shop after what seemed like forever. She missed Shane, and even Jade, she can't believe it but she actually had grown fond of her too. She knows she'll probably be bombarded by an array of questions but she still can't help but look forward to catching up with them and all they'd been up to.

Breakfast is swift since she spends it alone. Michael is nowhere to be seen, and when she asks, Nadine says she saw him leave quite early and in a hurry but has no idea as to why.

"Should I be worried?"

"I don't think so. Mr. Grahamsteen does occasionally  leave without so much as breakfast most times. I must say, He's only been consistent since you moved in." She lets out a slight laugh.

Veronica tries not to indulge in the giggling fit but cannot help herself and soon finds herself laughing as well.

"Thanks, Nadine. For the reassurance." She smiles as she downs the pancakes she had prepared for her. She'd even made lunch for her to take to work.

"I hope lunch manages to stay down this time, Mrs. Grahamsteen. You really need to be on top of your diet."

Veronica flushes with embarrassment.  "Michael told you?"

Nadine nods in giggles.

"Between us girls? He had me type out a menu which he now reviews himself before I can proceed to make anything. no onion gets chopped without his knowledge." The giggles turn into full blown laughter.

Becoming Mrs.Grahamsteenحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن