9. A Picture Is Worth A Thousand Words

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"Could you please pass me the baking pan, Michael?" Veronica gives him a disappointing stare from behind the kitchen island. He was not joking at all when he said he would make her pay for her actions, she'd been doing all the baking on her own while he fiddled around on his cellphone doing God knows what.

"Sure." He smiles slyly, gets up from the stool and proceeds to give her the baking pan. All the while retaining his mischievous demeanor and plunging Veronica into a well of concern. He was definitely enjoying this.

"Not to complain or anything seeing as I  do enjoy my culinary endeavors but care to help?" She says with tightened lips as she pours the batter into the pan. Michael chuckles.

"Veronica, I hardly make anything. What could a man of such pitiful cooking abilities possibly contribute to your chocolate cake." feigning dire seriousness he raises his palm and places it on his chest while shaking his head.

Great, he was using her earlier condemnation as his ticket out, just great. Fine, he wins.

She glares at him but says nothing before taking the batter, wrapping the pan with klin film and shoving it into the fridge.

"Surely I ought to have paid for my sins by now." She mumbles.

"Not even close. Veronica. Not nearly." Michael replies distractedly as he continues to fumble with his phone and before Veronica can protest, it begins to ring and he swiftly picks it up and walks away quietly. 

Was it just her or was he so continuously distracted today, and it definitely was not work seeing as he now had to resort to leaving the room to answer his calls. She shakes her head in exhaustion, she was just going to ignore him and his new tendencies-he was not going make her paranoid and ever worried. It was not even her place to be concerned to this extent, he was a grown man capable of taking care of himself. She was just a mere employee.

Michael strolls back into the kitchen and catches her about to leave for her room.

"Where are you going?" He asks.

"To my room." She responds flatly looking everywhere but at him and he can immediately tell that she is displeased.

He staggers toward her and draws her closer to him by the hand.

"Veronica. I know that I have not been the best company today and I know that I promised that you would have a great time yet all I have managed to deliver is misery. Nonetheless, please trust me-I will still make the rest of today worth your while." 

He pushes a lock of her hair aside and stares down at her intensely, she can feel his eyes piercing through her skin. How can she survive this? 

The effect he had on her was always so bittersweet, she hated him one moment and the next she would do anything to have him stroke her face the way he was doing right now. To have him lay sweet kisses, numerous kisses on her forehead like the other night. 

"Say something." He whispers huskily and the chills he sends down her spine awaken her from her lustful trans thankfully.

"It's okay Michael, it is emotionally exhausting how you treat me sometimes but I'm okay."

She gives him a faint smile and he breathes a sigh of relief.

"Great, because I want you to see something." He flashes his teeth boyishly and takes her by the hand.

Veronica looks at him puzzled, "Where are we going Michael, what do you want me to see?" She inquires curiously.

"You'll see." Is all Michael replies as he ushers her out of the kitchen, and up the stairs before coming to a halt in front of a large ebony wood stained door leading into a room Veronica is sure she's never seen before.

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