12. A Fallacy

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Author's Note: This chapter is dedicated specifically to @MarsierraA. Thank you for loving this book the way you do and commenting and voting on every last chapter of it😂💕


Sundays were the most pleasant in the Grahamsteen household. They were usually quiet. It was the one day of the week that Michael didn't go to work and usually Veronica enjoyed that fact but today she detested it.

The last few days had been agonizing and somehow the agony was subsided by the fact that work kept her preoccupied but even work could not save her today. Her sister was giving her the silent treatment and believe it or not she'd even resorted to Chadrick, too bad he wasn't in town.

She'd gone to breakfast though. Even though she rushed through her food quickly so as to avoid encountering Michael, Nadine was pleased that she at least made it to breakfast. The entire time her face was plastered with concern and sympathy. It was almost embarrassing, knowing that she knew that they were avoiding each other like a couple of school kids.

"I can't do this anymore." She blurts out, standing in the doorway of Michael's study.

He raises his gaze from the book he was engrossingly reading to meet hers. This is the first time they are laying eyes on each other in almost a week. It felt like an eternity to Veronica, she'd almost forgotten how much of a sight he was to behold. His alluring eyes, his perfect hair. He looks very relaxed in his seat, as though he didn't intend to leave this newly found niche anytime soon.

"Do what?" He sets the book down on the table and adjusts his posture upright.

"Are you mad at me?" She attempts to walk towards him but quickly comes to a halt as she notices a change in his countenance.

His body stiffens, jaws tighten and his Adam's apple makes slow up and down transitions. She knows better than to walk any further, he clearly didn't want her any closer. She dies a thousand times inside.

He remains quiet despite her question.

"Michael? Please answer me, I feel like I'm walking on eggshells every time I'm around you. I can't tell if you are angry with me because of our last encounter and it's making me very uneasy and unhappy."

Her voice is despondent and heavy with sadness.

"I'm sorry." He blurts out almost unexpectedly.

"I didn't mean to make you feel uncomfortable, I just felt as though we both needed space and I did my best to offer you that. You asked for a professional environment and I could only achieve that by avoiding you." He runs his hands through his hair frantically, displeased with the outcome of his actions.

Veronica heaves a sigh. So he didn't hate her guts, thank God.

"Look, Ver-"

"No, let me talk before you say anything." She pleads and he retreats, urging her to proceed.

"I'm sorry, for what I said before. In the moment I thought that was something I wanted, something I could live with but these past couple of days have been harder for me than I ever anticipated. I can't do this distance thing either, I have greatly underestimated how much I need you."

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