Greetings & Flirtation

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"Daniel Howell."

"Present," Dan mumbled and raised his hand as the teacher checked his name off of the attendance sheet. Dan sat in Science class alone with his white flower crown- which complimented the baby blue jumper he wore- on top of his head. Like always, he sat alone in the front corner of the room on the left side. They had a substitute teacher, so the class was riled up like animals at a zoo. Students yelled, threw things across the room, and were just being straight up obnoxious.

Upon finishing roll call, the sub input a headset and cracked open a book. Dan sighed and did as the sub. Just as Dan went to open up his novel, he felt something lightly hit the back of his head. The item landed in front of him, and he was able to see that it was a crumpled up ball of paper. He ignored it, and proceeded to read the novel in his hands.

Not even a minute later, Dan felt another crumpled ball hit him. He pursed his lips but continued to ignore the bait. Once the third ball hit him, Dan snapped, ripped out an earbud, and yelled. "Would you please put an end to your incessantly rude behaviour?"

"My apologies, Howell." Dan eyes widened once he whirled around to see that it was Phil Lester, the most punk and scary looking guy in the school. He was friends with Chris, Jack, and Dean, and was the guy that all the emo/ goth kids aspired to become. He gave Dan a small smile. He had shortish black hair with a bright-dark blue fringe, and piercing blue eyes. He had tattoo sleeves, a dragon tattoo on his chest (the top of the art visible above the neckline of his shirt) and piercings over his right eye.

"It- It's 'kay." Dan stuttered as he turned back around. He was fumbling to put the fallen earbud back, when someone sat next to him. He looked from his perfirell at the arm covered in tattoos.

"Is that Muse?" The music was playing on full volume, so the song was faintly heard. Dan shyly nodded his head and a light pink blush came to cheeks, as the song playing was Undisclosed Desires. "I love Muse! If it wasn't obvious enough." Phil pointed at his shirt and laughed, his eyes scrunching up, and his tongue sticking out of his mouth a bit in the process. Dan couldn't help but notice how adorable and infectious it was. Dan found himself relaxing and smiling along with him. He and Phil began talking back and forth, and it was almost scary as to how much they had in common.

Since the two were sharing earbuds at max volume while also having mad bants, they almost didn't notice when the bell rang, dismissing class all too soon. Dan frowned a bit, as did Phil as they got up and made their way out of the class.

"I guess this means bye until tomorrow?" Phil scratched the back of his head, hoping he and Dan had become friends and today wasn't a one time thing

"Sure," Dan bit his lip to keep from smiling too widely. Ever since attending this school, he's never really spoken to Phil or looked at him head on. Now, Phil doesn't seem all that scary, and he actually looks pretty adorable. Dan began to blush at the thought. Then, Dan remembered something important. "We have third period together, don't we?"

Phil thinks for a moment. "Art with Mr. Swan?"

"Yep! And I'm pretty sure we have the same lunch hour, too?"

"Lunch A?"

"Bingo. We can chat then."

Phil smiled a bright smile that Dan was happy to see. "That sounds ace. I'll see you then."

"Great, later, Lester." The two split ways to their 2nd period classes, which for Dan was a study hall. He aimlessly doodled the whole time, writing whatever came to mind. When he finally became aware to what he was writing, he was shocked. All over the paper it said, Phil Lester. Philip Lester. Dan and Phil Lester. Phil Howell. Dan and Phil Howlter. Phil and Dan Lestell. Dan + Phil = Phan. Dan's eye twitched. What the Hell, he has one conversation with the guy and already he's got a massive crush on him. He even came up with a ship name. Blushing like a madman, Dan stuffed the piece of paper somewhere in one of his folders.

He looked around the room, but no one was paying attention to him. No one ever did, even with the pastel look, and being relatively still new to the school. People talked about it for about a day before Dan became old news. Dan was practically a nobody here, and only talked to his teachers. Maybe his crush on Phil was over exaggerated, and he just didn't know how to react to the idea of having someone acknowledging his existence. Dan was normally used to this, seeing as he chose to keep to himself anyways, but something about Phil just made him feel different.

Dan sighed, and suddenly felt worse that usual. Goddamn it, this Phil character was causing Dan's numb soul to feel emotions. The rest the Study Hall seemed to drag on for days. When the bell rings, Dan rushes way to his next class- the only other one he seems to share with Phil.

Dan smiled brightly when he saw Phil standing by the door's entrance. "Hi again, Philip." Dan says, walking into the room with Phil right beside him.

"Hi-ya, Flower child." Dan rolls his eyes. He normally sits in the seat closest to the door in every class so that he can leave as fast as possible, because he really kinda hates this place and social interaction. Since he's becoming fast friends with Phil, he moves to the back corner of the room that he sits.

"How original," Dan states as he sits to the right of Phil.

"Thank you, I spent all of my last hour coming up with it." The punk laughs as he grabs gets out his sketchbook and pencils, Dan following his lead. "Well, that one and 'Pretty Pastel Prince.' "

Dan felt the blood rushing to his cheeks and knew that the blush was obvious. "Is that so? Maybe I need to come up with a good nickname for you too."

"Maybe so, Pastel Prince."

"Hey, I thought it was Pretty Pastel Prince?"

"Ah, yes." Phil says lifting up Dan's free hand. "You are the very Pretty Pastel Prince." Ending his sentence, Phil lightly brushed his lips on the back of Dan's hands. This small action somehow made Dan more red than he already was.

"Phil Lester, maybe I'm mistaken- but are you flirting with me?"

Phil gives the pastel boy an innocent smile before responding. "Hmm, maybe. Unless you don't like it, and you want me to stop." Dan was slightly pleased as he saw the blush trying to creep up Phil's neck.

"Well, I am enjoying this. You may continue showering me with kind words." The two laughed before finally opening their sketch books. To anyone looking and not knowing either boy, you'd've thought that they had each other's notepads. Dan, the quiet pastel- his was filled with dragons, dark shadows, a few band banners, and other drawings, all done in black and white. Phil, the "scary" punk with piercings and tattooes- he had a notepad filled with kittens, puppies, chibi anime characters.

Glancing at the others sketchbook, they both swapped and flipped through pages in awe. "These are so amazing, Phil!"

"Are you kidding?" Phil scoffed, but kept his awe-struck gaze on the pages in front of him. "My drawings seem so juvenile compared to what you've done."

"I think we could argue back and forth all day about who has the better art, so how about we both agree that you're adorable, and that we're both really good at drawing."

"Adorable, ey?" Phil almost let the end of Dan's words pass him without notice. Phil lifted an eyebrow, and smirked at him. "Who's flirting now?"

A/N: Hey, it's Danni, again. So, tHIS IS GONNA BE THE FIRST FULL PHANFIC I'VE TRULY WORKED ON SOLO, SO IM SORRY IT'S ODDLY WORDED IN PLACES AND STUFF. Also, since I'm working on so many other fics at once, idk when I'll update this after posting my first three chappies *Sigh*. Anyways, hope everyone enjoys my hard work!

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