Music & Company

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Dan was woken up to someone pounding on the front door at a little after 9am. He tried to put a pillow over his face to drown out the noise, hoping that whoever was at the door would realize that Dan didn't plan on getting up, and leave. Well, after another thirty seconds, Dan pulled on a t-shirt and pajama bottoms, then heaved himself out of bed. "I'm coming, I'm coming. Stop pounding on the goddamned door already!" Dan quickly took his pain medicine before opening the door.

Dan's scowl was wiped away, but only a bit, when he opened the door to see a familiar blue fringed punk wearing a leather jacket over a Fall Out Boy t-shirt on the other side. "Sorry," Phil awkwardly rubbed the back of his neck, and held up Dan's bookbag. "I brought your things to you."

"Thanks," Dan takes the bag from Phil and just stands there for a moment before he thinks about the time again. "Wait, shouldn't you be at school, right now? You're a little late."

"I didn't notice." the paler boy joked, leaning against the doorway.

"I'm not going today." Phil's fists clenched and unclenched as he continued. "I can't force myself to be anywhere around them right now . . ." Phil's expression went from casual, to protective, to soft in a matter of moments. "I'm really, really, sorry for that, Dan. I didn't think they'd do anything like that to you. This is all my fault. Are you okay?" Phil looked down at the ground, unable to look at Dan without feeling guilty.

Looking at Phil now, seeing how remorseful he looked, Dan couldn't help but feel a bit bad for being upset at Phil for his friends' actions. He really didn't know. Dan didn't think so, anyways. Dan really hoped that his gut feelings weren't steering him wrong. "Hey, it's okay. I'm fine." Just a few bruised ribs and bruised cheek. "Nothing to worry about." Dan smiled as Phil looked back up.

"Would you like to come in?" Dan suggested, throwing a thumb over his shoulder.

"Aren't your parents going to be a little upset with you having company at this time, or something?" Phil bites his lip as he peaked inside Dan's house.

Dan shrugged. "They're not home right now. I dunno when they'll be back. Probably later tonight, or tomorrow- whenever they feel they wanna come back."

"Okay?" It was more a question than an answer, but he walked inside anyways. Dan shut the door behind him, and led Phil to the couch where he flopped down and looked through his book bag.

As he looked through, he found his cellphone in the front pocket, fully charged. He lifted an eyebrow at the still standing Phil. "Full battery after 36 hours?"

"I charged it when I got your bookbag." Dan noticed how Phil's hand turned into backwards claws with his fingers inside his pockets. Dan didn't give it much thought, and just continued looking through his bookbag.

"You can sit down, ya know." Dan says, without looking up. Phil hesitantly sat down and got comfortable. Everything else seemed to be where Dan had left it, but. . .

"You don't happen to have my flower crown, do you?" Dan bit his tongue as he looked through every pocket again. Dan had more flower crowns, it's just, the white one- along with a purple one and pink one- was the one that his grandma had made for him a few years back when he wasn't in the best state of mind. One of the few things he had to remember her by, and what always brought him comfort when he felt alone, or unwanted.

"No, I don't. I'm sorry." Phil apologized for the thousandth time in the last 12 hours.

"It's okay, Phil." Dan smiled weakly in an attempt to stop Phil's apologies, and ease any guilt he must've been feeling. Dan was so frustrated, He felt so empty without the flower crown. He was upset that he'd worn it, and now it was lost.

Dan took a deep breath and decided he could cry about this later when he was alone. Right now, Dan had company to entertain. He looked at Phil, and set his fingers over the other. He smiled at the warmth that spread over him by doing so, hoping that Phil got the same feelings.

"It's all okay, really." Dan gave Phil's hand a- hopefully- reassuring squeeze.

"Are you sure?" Phil gave a small. sad smile and a squeeze back.

"Yeah, I've tons of other flower crowns in my closet."

"That's good."

"Yep." Dan unlocks his phone to turn on his playlist. Since it was on shuffle, Dan didn't know what song was going to play until it played.

"Okay, Phil. I think it's time we learned a bit more about each-" Dan's face turned a light pink color as he realized that the song playing was Ride by Somo. He quickly changed it to Thnks Fr Th Mmrs by Fall Out Boy, and tried to start over as if the song never played.

"It's time we learned a bit more about each other."

"Ooo, Ride by Somo. Great song." Phil giggled while Dan just lightly punched him in the arm, rolled his eyes, and laughed along with him. "Okay, okay. Can we talk about your hair? It's so adorable when it's curly."

It was with those words that Dan's blush seemed to darken, and he became a bit more aware that Phil was in front of him perfectly dressed and prepared, while Dan had literally just rolled out of bed and had yet to actually get ready for the day. "You mean my hobbit hair. Yeah, I don't really like it, which is why I like to keep it straightened." The only straight thing about me, Dan thinks, and internally laughs about.

Dan stood. "Speaking of which, I need to go change and fix my hair."

"Only if I get to come with you."

A/N: I almost regret the theme of my title chapters because I'm so bad at coming up with titles, ugH.

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