Usernames & Lips

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Dan's eyes widened. "Wait- what?"

Phil's cheeks seemed to get as red as Dan's as he put his hands up in defense. "No, no, no- that's not what I meant! I mean, I could stand outside your door as you get dressed and stuff so that we don't have to stop the conversation. O-only if you want to. Wow, the idea sounded a lot better when I thought about it in my head. If it's too creepy then-"

"I understand what you mean, Phil." Dan laughs. "I think that sounds like a pretty good idea. Okay, come on."

Grabbing his phone, he and Phil trailed up the stairs and towards the last door on the left- Dan's room. They stop at the door, and Dan turns toward Phil. "You stay right here- it won't take me long to get decent."

"You'd look good already, Dan. I mean, you'd probably look better with nothing on at all but-" Phil shrugged then slid to the ground next to the door, looking up at Dan innocently.

"Shut up, you ice lollie." Dan walked into his room blushing once again, listening to Phil's laughter. Dan kept the door cracked just a little, and turned the music's volume lower so that he'd be able to hear what Phil had to say while still having his usual background noise.

"I'm an ice lollie, eh? So you're saying you'd like to lick and suck on me?"

"That's not what I meant!" Dan was so glad that Phil couldn't see just how flustered he got at those words. Dan rummaged through his closet until he pulled out his favorite pastel purple jumper, and a pair of skinny jeans.

"Of course not, my Pastel Prince." Dan couldn't help but smile at the Nick name,  then lead on to search for the perfect flower crown.

"So, Phil. Why is your Twitter name Amazing 'Lipster? Oh God, it sounds worse said out loud." Dan shuffled through about 20 crowns before he chose his violet and indigo colored crown.

"Perfect," Dan mumbled to himself as he assessed his outfit once more before putting it on.

"Hey, I think it's clever." Phil argues. "It's my first and last name together. Like- Philip and Lester. Lipster."

Dan rolled his eyes as he plugged his straightener in and waited for it to heat itself up. "I sounds like the name of a guy trying too hard to brag about how great of a kisser he is."

"Well- I mean-" Dan heard Phil give a small huff on the other side, and smiled feeling a small victory against the punk. Phil muttered something that Dan wasn't able to hear above the music.

"What was that, Lipster?"

"Nothing. Since you're such an expert at names, what should I change it to?" Dan thought for a moment as he parted his hair for the straightening.

"Well, you could just make it 'Amazing Phil.' Like, literally, that's all you had to- fuck." Dan dropped the straightener on the ground as he put his burnt finger in his mouth to dull the burning sensation.

"Are you okay, Dan?" Phil asked concerned. "Are you dressed? Can I help?"

Dan picked up the straightener, and took the finger out of his mouth. "I'm okay, I just accidentally burned myself, is all. And yes, I'm dressed, so you can come in." Phil slipped through the door and looked at the poor pastel pouting and sucking on his finger.

He grinned and let out a giggle. "I can't tell if I should feel bad for you, or take a picture because of how suggestive, yet innocent and adorable you look right now." Dan rolled his eyes, let out a huff and continued to pout.

"You should feel bad for me. That really hurt my finger!" Phil laughed more at Dan's overreaction, as he sat down next to him.

"Poor, pretty, pastel prince. Here," Phil grabbed the straightener. "I'll do your hair for you." Phil was able to do Dan's hair with ease. Dan noticed how Phil concentrated, poking his tongue out from his slightly parted, soft looking lips. Because of their close proximity, Dan also noticed how intoxicating Phil's cologne was. Dan watched Phil closely, listening to him hum to the music as he worked along.

"All done," Upon finishing, Phil unplugged the hazardous object, and proceeded to fix Dan's hair the way he seemed to like it most. For half a second, they locked eyes- blue-green-grey mixed with honey brown- and that was enough for Dan. Before his brain could really  register what was happening, he had already leaned in and pressed his lips to the punk's.

Every part of Dan seemed to ignite. His stomach filling with thousands of fluttering butterflies. Dan was filled with both excitement and nervousness.

Phil, on the other hand, was just too surprised to respond to it. He lightly pushed Dan back.

"I- I'm sorry," Dan stuttered as he looked down. "Your lips just look really soft, and... Yeah, I'm sorry." Dan shook his head to himself.

"Dan," The brown haired boy looked back up at Phil who connected his lips with the other. A small noise escaped Dan in surprise, but he immediately fluttered his eyes closed. Dan felt one of Phil's arms wrapping around his waist, hand pressed to the small of Dan's back to deepen the kiss. Dan was just getting into the kiss, placing his arms around Phil's neck, when Phil broke it.

He smiled down at the once again pouty boy. "So," Phil started. "Do I still change my twitter name, or do I live to it?"

A/N: THANKS FOR THE 200+ READS, EVERYONE.   I DIDN'T EXPECT THIS STORY TO GET 20 LET ALONE 200+ HOLY CHEESE.   I knOW that's not a loT of reads compared to some fics, but still, thanks.

Also, I've been busy with school stuff and have slight case of writer's block.   I kinda know what I wanna write, but I'm not entirely sure how to write it yet, but the moment it hits me, I'll write it and publish it, okay?

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