Twitter & Forgiveness

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"Daniel James Howell, do you have any idea what you'd put us through last time, and now you're doing this again?" Dan sat in the back seat of his parents car as they yelled at him on the drive home. Like always, they didn't wanna listen to his side of the story, didn't care that he wasn't the one to start any fighting, didn't care that Dan was the one hospitalized after getting attacked for no reason.

No, all they're worried about is how much time they've wasted on not watching their shows, or time they could be spending out doing anything to forget that they had a son that they were supposed to love, and nurture, and all of that junk. Instead, they just gave him things to keep him busy and out of their hair.

So, when they got to the house and the parents finished yelling at Dan, he did just that. After showering and taking his prescribed meds to lessen the pain, he got on his laptop and scrolled through Tumblr. Maybe an hour of Pepes and doges passed before Dan switched over to Twitter.

Whilst stalking the accounts of Matt Bellamy, Kayne, and Nick Jonas, Dan got a DM. He assumed it was one of those spam accounts or bots or something, but opened it anyways.

Amazing 'Lipster:
-Is this Dan?

Pastel Lover:
-Who's asking?

The response was immediate, as they kept sending one after the other.

Amazing 'Lipster:
-Hello, my Pastel Prince, It's Phil. :]
-I have your things.
-I got them from Chris because he said you forgot them on the bus???
-I can drop them off or give them to you tomorrow if you want.

Dan almost wanted to scream because how can Phil be trying to act all nice and flirty with him again after he just caused Dan to get harassed and did nothing about it? Is he just covering for his friends? Or is he truly clueless to what happened? Dan had no idea, but he was furious either way. Furious at Phil and Chris and Jack and-

"Calm down," Dan mumbled to himself. "Before you explode." He inhaled deeply before replying to the message.

Pastel Lover:
-Just leave them by my locker, and don't make contact with me anymore, kthnxbye

Amazing 'Lipster:
-Why so mean? ;_;

Pastel Lover:
-Because you ditched me at lunch, ignored me when I tried to speak to you after school, and you let your friends verbally harass me then beat the crap out of me, and now you're trying to play dumb and innocent as if I would fall for any of this???
-How stupid do you think I am, LEster?

Dan was fuming. He moved his laptop screen a bit away from him before screaming into the pillows. Why is Phil like this? Dan brought the laptop back in front of him to read Phil's response.

Amazing 'Lipster:
-I didn't see you at lunch, and assumed YOU flaked out on me. I knew Chris and Jack were talking to you, but I didn't know that they'd hurt you...
-Are you okay? I'm so sorry, Dan.

One part of Dan wanted to forgive Phil, because he hadn't done anything wrong, but another part was still going to explode. He blamed Phil for his fantastically horrid day.

Pastel Lover:
-You can bring my bag over tomorrow. I'm not going to be at school tomorrow, as I just got out of the hospital because of your little friends.

Amazing 'Lipster:
-I stg, I'm gonna kill them. I didn't know this all happened.
-I'm sorry, Dan. I really am.
-Please don't let this be the end of our friendship
-I really like you, and don't want things to end like this...

Dan sighed, because he really didn't wanna end what he'd made with Phil. Today was actually the first tolerable day Dan had had in awhile. Well, the first half of it anyways. He was a lonely loser with only one other friend, who didn't even live in the same town as him, so he decided to forgive Phil. I mean, Phil had to be telling the truth. He was so kind to Dan earlier. . .

Pastel Lover:
-Fine, I forgive you...

Dan gave Phil his address to bring his things over, and from then, the punk and pastel boys proceeded to message each other back to back. When Dan eventually did drift off into sleep, he fell asleep with a smile on his face at the thought of the punk boy that seemed a little too perfect to be true.

-Emotional Parent Danni

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