Blushing & Disappointment

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The rest of the period was spent with the two flirting between each other, and the other few students along with the teacher couldn't help but look at them in shock.  Phil and Dan normally talk to no one else in the class, so for the Punk and 'Pastel Prince'-  people who seemed to be polar opposites- to start  talking to each other so normally and friendly-like was a little bit of a surprise.  Too caught up in their conversation, the boys never noticed.  

    When the class ended, the pair stood up, almost frowning.  "I don't wanna go the my next class."  Dan whined packing up his things, and walking alongside Phil.  "Everyone in there sucks."  

    Phil laughed at him and sighed because he really didn't wanna go to his next class either.  "It can't be that bad, Dan."

    "But it is!"  Dan argued back, poking his bottom lip out in a pout.  "There aren't even any cute, punk boys to flirt with to make the time less miserable."  

    Phil chuckled once more, then shook his head.  "Poor majesty."  He lightly pet Dan's head, feeling the softness of the hair, and moving the flower crown.  The little things with Phil were incredible, and had Dan smiling more today than he probably has since coming to this school.  Dan could only imagine how a hug or a kiss would feel compared to these little touches and tickles.

"I'll see you at lunch, okay?  Try to enjoy the class."  With soft lips, Phil left an actual kiss on the back of Dan's hand, turning him red for the hundredth time.

"I can't promise that's going to happen, but I do look forward to lunch."

"Good."  Dan seems to like Phil more and more as the time passes.  "Bye for now, sweet prince."  With that, Phil was off in the opposite direction of Dan.  Dan got a few stares, but he didn't care, because he knew that they'd be gone by the end of the day.  Throughout Dan's lesson, he kept his hand near his cheek, and just imagined what it'd be like to actually kiss Phil back.  

    After the class was over, Dan rushed to his locker, in hopes of seeing Phil.  Dan's hope seems to diminished as he sees no one, but his locker neighbors, and people rushing  either to the cafeteria or class.  Dan solemnly swaps his books for the next half of the day, grabs his lunch, and makes his way to the outside eating area.  He keeps his head down, earbuds in ears as always, and makes his way to the tree that he always sits under.  

Three minutes goes by, Dan sits alone, thumbing at his phone's screen, and looking around, in hopes of seeing Phil.  Another five minutes go by, Dan continues to be alone.  Dan bites his lips, drops his shoulders in disappointment, then throws away his lunch, not feeling hungry.  He pulls his knees to his chest, and puts his arms around his head.  Maybe Phil realized that Dan was annoying and decided that Dan wasn't worth his time, or maybe Phil left early for some reason?

 Probably not.  As lunch ends, Dan gets up and decides to start heading to his next class early.  Ms. Candee won't mind, she loved Dan in class.  Once in the room, the teacher nods to Dan, gives him the day's assignment early, and he goes through the worksheet, much like the rest of the day, quite robotically, without any other interactions with Phil.

A/N: Fun fact-  It take me so long to post something because even after it's completed, I have to read back over it 110x in order to make sure it's perfect.  I usually miss errors anyways.
(/._.)/ I___I

Feel free to (KINDLY) point out any errors.

White Rose Flower Crown (Phan)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora