Hospitals & Rambling

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Dan woke up in a lot of pain, and in uncomfortable bed. He tried to open his eyes, but promptly closed them again at the harsh light. Rapidly blinking, Dan forced his eyes to open once more and take in his surroundings. He was lying bruised, scarred, and bandaged in a hospital bed. Dan groaned, partly from pain, but mostly in frustration. Not only had he got beaten the crap out of by Chris and Jack, then pretty much left to die- but he knew that his parents weren't gonna make things for Dan any less miserable once they realized that they had to take time out of their "busy" schedules to take care of this mess.

Wincing, Dan sat up and looked around to see if he had any of his things- backpack, clothes, flower crown. He laid himself back down noting that the only items he had was his earlier outfit, now dirty and a little bloody- laying on a table a few feet away. Dan got the phone that was on his bed, and called the one person he thought would care. After a few rings, they answered.


"Peej?" PJ Ligouri is the only friend that Dan has ever had, and the only person that's ever really understood Dan, aside from his late grandmother. "Hey there, buddy. So, I'm in the hospital and-"

"Dan, why are you calling from a hospital? Is everything alright?" He heard the worry in his friend's voice, and would have given a laugh had it not been so painful and sounding more like a moan.

"Funny story, really." He decided to speak as sarcastically as he could instead. "Well, I met this awesome guy- well, not awesome, but I thought he was at the time- and he's got tattoos, and piercings, but he was so sweet and adorable, and we have a lot in common and-"

"Dan," PJ interrupted Dan's rambling. "Are you going to tell me why you're in a hospital, or are you just gonna gush over a cute boy?"

"Well, I was getting there, before I was so rudely interrupted." Dan could hear his best friend sighing, and could just imagine the eyeroll and headshake that always accompanied it. "Anyways, we were getting along and flirting and stuff and he said we'd have lunch together, but then he didn't show up, so I thought maybe he changed his mind or left school early. I mean, that was until I saw him hanging out with his other emo-punk-goth-whatever friends after school, and I went to talk to him, but some of his friends intervened and started talking smack, so I was talking back, and Phil- the cute guy's name is Phil, by the way- he just stood there ignoring everything, even though he was within hearing range, so I just left, and started walking home.

"On my way, I turned down an alley, because, it was like 3pm and light outside, and didn't think anything would happen, but halfway through, I realized that Jack and Chris- the one's that were being rude before- I realized that they were following me, and they just started attacking, and I tried fighting back, and I did get some hits in, but two against one. They beat the crap out me, took my stuff, and left me for dead. I passed out, and when I woke up I was here, so I thought I'd tell you my epic story. So, how's your day. Did you do your homework yet?"

There was a moment of silence, before PJ responded. "Chris, Jake-"

"Jack." Dan corrected.

"Right," PJ was struggling to keep calm, and was trying to figure out why Dan was already calm. "Chris, Jack, and Phil. Anymore information you can give me, like their last names, physical descriptions, addresses?"

"I'd laugh if laughing wasn't so painful."

"Daniel, I am 100 percent serious here!" PJ began laughing, contradicting his words. "Tell them to fuckin' fight me. I'll deck all three of them."

"God PJ, you wouldn't even harm a butterfly, let alone an actual human being." Dan laughed, and moaned at the same time. "You have to stop, it hurts, oh my God."

Apparently Dan had made enough noise to alert a nurse of his consciousness.

"Hello, sir. I'd like to talk to you for a moment." He asked politely, so Dan nodded his head.

"I'll call you later- nurse is here."

"Bye, Dan."

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