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Pic of Maria' parents.

So I decided to tell my pack to go to their packs and talk to their parents a and for them to spend one last time with them. If they didn't have any then I sent them to a training area to have fun. While Clara and I went to this Magcon event. When everyone was gone we hopped in the car. Clara started to get really excited.
" Ahhh I am sooooooooo excited to go to Magcon!"
" I have one question." I said.
" Who or What is Magcon?"
" Ahhhhhhhhh you don't know who magcon are!"
" Well no so can you explain."
"It is a group of guys that mess around and make you laugh and they are really hot."
That was all I said. The rest of the car ride her little squeals were becoming louder by the minute. When we got there she let out the loudest squeal in the world. We had to wait in line for and hour. It was soooooooo boring.

When we got inside a lot of smells went through my nose. The first smell was wolf and that was the strongest. Then there was a smell of rotting and death. I knew that smell to well. That was vampire. Then the last smell was a lot of smells mixed together. Then I noticed what the smells were. They were perfume. Ugh I hate perfume.

When we went to an area I just leaned against a wall and played on my phone. Mostly texting the girls and checking Twitter, Instagram, ect. Then when it was over we went to a meet and greet table. I was sniffing to find the vampires. I found them. They were a group of guys looking hateful at the boys. I thought this will be fun. I covered up my wolf scent and dragged them out to the bathroom.
" Hey babe you want some."
I replied with a strong kick in the gut to all of them. Sending them flying towards the wall and knocking them out. Haha stupid vamps. You may be wondering what did the vampires ever do to you. Well long story short they killed my parents so they could get my power.

So I walked out and then noticed I was backstage. The boys were all standing there.
" Well how did you get back here. Are you a fan?"
" Why would I be a fan of you guys? I don't even know your names."
Then I told them one sec because I had to get my smell back. For some reason I missed smelling like dog. It always reminds me of my parents. When I walked out they were all sniffing and I noticed what they were. They were werewolves also. I looked at them and they looked at me. I hope this goes well.

I hope you liked that chapter.

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