We Meet Again

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I was heading to Taco Bell. Today is Saturday I saw the boys on Thursday.
While I was heading there I was listening to my favorite song. LOVE MYSELF BY HAILEE STIENFIELD. I started singing along. When the song was done I was at Taco Bell. When I got out there was a very VERY strong smell of dog. I went in and ordered when I sat down I looked for the source of the smell. When I found it I immediately recognized who they were. They were the boys I beat up at Magcon or also known as Magcon.
When I saw them I immediately looked away. I have to admit they were pretty cute but I don't know them that well. I went to go throw my cup away which was right next to there table.

I walked by and handed them a note telling them to meet me near the alley behind Starbucks on Greenshire road. I walked out and went to Starbucks. I got a cotton candy frap and went to the ally. I waited for a while but something interesting happened. I smelled 2 different smells and neither were werewolf. That scares me because everyone is after me. Any type of mythical creatures. Except for werewolves. They were vampires and *sniffs* Demons? Yes I know what your thinking Demons are real? YES and they are annoying. (Sorry just love and I mean LOVE ShadowHunters). I was sitting on the wall when 3 different demons jumped down from the roof of Starbucks. I looked at them with a smirk and flipped the first one over but then the vampires jumped down from the other building next Starbucks. I got caught by one of them. I let out my secret silent howl. This silent howl can only be heard by werewolves and it sounds very sad and full of pain.

The boys and I were sitting at Taco Bell getting ready to go to the Starbucks Alley. When the boys and I were getting up we heard a very sad and painful wolf howl. We didn't know what or who it was but we had to help. We ran to where it came from and you could see all the werewolves that were in the area come to the alley. In the middle of the Alley was Maria and she was getting held by A vampire and there were Vampires and Demons surrounding her. All we could think in the Mind link was......

Sorry have been sick and busy and didn't want to give you a sucky chapter because my mind was foggy.

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