The Meeting

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I was just staring at them awkwardly and it was weird. I raised one eyebrow and just waited for one of them to talk. The first one to talk was a brown haired dude with a bandana.
" Hey why are you on our territory?"
"Oh so you want to try me pup?"
"Heh funny I could say the same to you We are a very strong pack called the Silk Pack. Your just a lone little puppy wolf with no pack."
"You really think I am a lone wolf don't you. You don't know how much power I have."

"How about I test that power."
After he said that he lunged at me. I dodged it but all the others lunged at me. I dodged all of them. One with bright blue eyes tried to swing at me. I caught his hand and flipped him over. The others just did the same thing. After I was done fighting all of them were on the ground and I was standing with not a mark on me. I looked around and started to feel bad cause I broke some bones. I went over and used the one power that I do have. That is healing. I went over to all of them and healed them. They stood up and looked at me. They asked how old are you?
"I am 15 I am actually 17 in mental but physical age is 15."
"One more question can I know your names?"
They all told me their names and I just nodded. I just stood there for a minute till they were called on stage again. I went back to Clara and was headed back home.

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