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Totally not in a good mood today. My mom promised me one thing but never really happened. So how should I feel exactly? Completely disappointed.

So now I'm drawing down my disappointment onto a piece of paper. Deformed legs and no face, yah. The face I'm leaving up to your imagination.

Really don't want to draw a happy face because I'm far from being happy right now.

Though I sort of like the way I drew it...but others can probably draw way better lol. Yah, not the best author and not the best artist. Mainly doing these to pass time, as well as to come up with new story ideas.

A lot of you guys said that you would like to read a RANT book since I had mentioned in the last forever and alone updates. Really makes me feel happy, knowing that you want to read the useless things I rant about 😂😂

But seriously it makes me feel happy, so thank you Bittersweet_Otaku UmbreonMeister

So my style of rant would be
New Updates
Stuff at times when I do add an 's'

As for updates, many says that they want an update on Forever and Alone but I'm not sure if I should keep the Mistletoe readers on hold, because I only have one last chapter for that. And if I continue on updating Forever and Alone then I won't be able to start the last chapter. So I'm in a pretty bleh situation right now.

Not to mention another reader has pmed me asking if I can create a story that fits her plot, and I had promised her that I will post it one I'm done with mistletoe, and that was a while back....

well then, my start of the rants has started.

Even though most won't read it I still would like to post this out that way I would have released some stress.


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