raNt - 1/3/16

43 6 2


Well there's 2 more days until I have to go back to school, so I've been planing to create a new contestshipping story, called Rose Melody.

I want to upload it soon as well as the next chapter of Forever and Alone, so please look forward to it.

And then since I had ended Mistletoe, stupidly, as some readers told me, I'm planning on rewriting the ending to fit your expectations. I have to say, that I felt quite confident in the ending, but some didn't really like it that much so I'm planning on having another part to it, and recreating the ending, since really I had rushed on it and not really adding more dialogues and May's thoughts into it clearly.

So yup. And as for the Rose Melody, please look forward to it as well. Once again it's an alternate universe story, but really I'm thinking of having it tied with Pokemon as well. :) so I'm still not sure.

Above is my OC, Neko ^^ May not be the best but I kinda like it. Didn't add the facial feature because I'm afraid of ruining it, and everything -_- and the clothing may look funny as well. But I still like my OC.

Thanks!! I'm super happy that there are 16 votes on this In total xD lol I'm really hyped up about it, since you guys actually read this. Haha

Not the best watermark but, I'm still working on it.


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