Art Contest entry

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This is for the art contest that TheOtakuNerd is hosting. Hopefully me and my partner aren't too late, but if we are then that's too bad I guess :/

My partner was : s0l3iL_sKy

theme : fantasy.
love quote : " she didn't fall from the sky, she didn't fall from a tree, instead she fell in love with me. "

Eve, and Chiho.


Eve was taking a walk in a forest close to her elf village. She was practicing her magic, thus activating a mark onto her face. But then suddenly someone fell on top of her, it was either from the sky or from the tree.

Eve's POV

Her eyes were blinking. The color of crimson red. The shade of it has captivated me.

It unlocked a feeling inside of me that was different from others. Unable to control it, I touched the ears she has. She frowned,"Don't touch my ears. It feels weird."

Face flushed I said,"Well then get off of me. Your heavy." No not really. She's not heavy at all. At least not to me.

When I got up, I was mortified. "You have got to be kidding me." I groaned,"I just washed this and now it's dirty." I eyed my shoes and sighed. The girl gave a low whistle,"Not my problem." And just when she was about to leave, I grabbed the collar of her sweater,"Not so fast."

"You fell on top of me. Disturbed my training, and now got my shoes dirty. How are you going to repay all of this, huh?" But really inside, it seems as if these damages were all fine. As long as I can keep you by my side. It's all that matters.

She had her head held low,"I'm sorry." She muttered,"My name's Chiho, anyway think we should start of with a good first impression, k?" She grinned.

I rolled my eyes and crossed my arms,"Whatever." And walked away, but this time she followed me.

Ever since then, we have always been together. And doing everything together. It felt nice.

Really, nice.

" she didn't fall from the sky, she didn't fall from a tree, instead she fell in lover with me. " i said that hoping that one day, the quote would actually come true.

And in the end, it did.

And here it is, hopefully I wasn't too too late to the point where I can't enter. -.-"
And if you have trouble on figuring out which character is whose, the one on the bottom is mine, the top is my partners.


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