RaNt #2 - 12/26

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Alright, here comes rant #2

Someone told me today that being too selfish can cost you some friends.

Yah, I am selfish at times. Maybe that's why these days I feel as if everyone is moving at a different pace.

Really the ones I really feel like talking to would probably be online friends, on wattpad that pm's me. Maybe it's because they don't know the me in real life that I feel more secure and comfortable talking to them about certain things.

Being to selfish can cost me friends. That is what my dad told me this morning when I blew up, due to the things he and my mom asked me.

Wow, what a nice start on a day xD not really but, just want to feel happy even if it's supposedly forced.

Now, I'm about to publish mistletoe, and that would probably be the last chapter to it. Woohoo! Shall we celebrate my first ever time finishing and completing a story. Woohoo! :)

Now I kinda wanna talk about new discoveries.

New bias:

No words to describe him, maybe it's because we are the same ethnicity that I really love him, but I just do ok ;)

Wen Junhui <3 new bias, as well as a new Kpop group, seventeen. A hellish amount of people guys.

And then there's mcrown, still waiting for more info on them but I think I like L.Bin and then was it Laon?

And now, another things...

I got these erasers on Christmas!! They are awesomeness!! 😋

And yah, complete my rant, kinda wanna rant some more but I have to leave soon.

Just really happy that 2-3 people has voted on this :)))


Just look forward to the last chap ;)

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