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I'm quite proud of this, ^^

And it's all thanks to the tombow marker my friends got me !! Woohoo thaxnks :))) kuro s0l3iL_sKy

Um..the skin tone may look weird but I think it's pretty good. As for the shirt, eh I kinda think I messed up on that part. Probaably my favorite would be the hair and eyes, I really shouldn't have colored in the mouth with pink though...but oh well.

Also I'm thinking of publishing another contestshipping story, called um Rose Melody.

Thank to my friend L0st_tWiNs who helped edit it, it's pretty presentable, hehe.

But befor that I'm planning on publishing the next chapter of forever and alone first ;) UmbreonMeister hope you can check Rose Melody along with forever and alone as well xD and yass! Your idea of making a epilogue for Mistletoe is awesome!!

Like for the dance and stuff,

So I'm also thinking of that as well ^^

Wow so many things, hopefully I can live up my promises to it. And keep a nice update schedule. But, first I haven't updated forever and alone like for 20+ days -.-"

*sigh, oh well can't wait for lunar new year, money money money ;)


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