The Pokémon Journey Continues

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Emmet woke up, still tasting Ash in his mouth. He smirked when he saw the other three guys sleeping near him. He put on his clothes and walked out of the room, his Pikachu waiting patiently for him.

"Alright, Pikachu. Let's get going, bud." Emmet said, quietly. Emmet watched as Pikachu climbed up his body and onto his head. He continued to walk to the front of the Pokémon Center. Nurse Joy greeted him and called him over.

"Ah, Emmett. The Starly you found last night is feeling better." Joy said, enthusiastically. Emmett smiled a small smile and watched the Starly fly around in circles above him. He spread his right arm out so Starly could land.

"Well, I'm glad you feel better."

"Pika, Pikachu!" Pikachu agreed. Starly nodded and gave off a big smile.

"Hey, would you like to come along with us?" Emmett asked. Starly flew up high and flew fast and was a big talker. It wouldn't stop. Emmett held up a Pokéball and Starly made one big u-turn and headed straight for Emmett's Pokemon Ball. Starly was caught!

Pikachu smiled big. Emmet just smiled slightly. He thanked Nurse Joy and then walked out of the Pokemon Center.

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