The Hurt Pokemon

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He opened the window and gasped. There, lying the window sill, was a poor, hurt Starly. Pikachu jumped up and sighed. Emmet picked up the Starly, wrapping its hurt wing in bandges. He grabbed the key to his room and raced out the door. Ash and his friends, Dawn and Brock, were walking down the hallway when he rushed passed by them. They stood there shocked for a moment before running after him.

"Hey, Emmet! What's wrong? Where are you going in such a hurry?" Ash yelled.

Emmet turned his head for a quick second and then turned back to see where he was going. He ran faster than Ash and company could, maybe even faster than Barry's mouth. As he ran, thought about how this poor Starly got hurt. As he ran up to Nurse Joy, he bumped into two strange characters. Once Ash, Dawn, Brock, and Pikachu got up to the site, they immediately knew who the two strange characters were. Gary and Paul.

"Well, well, well. If it isn't little Ashy-boy. Who's that guy?" Gary taunted.

"Well, Gary, that's Emmet. He's my new friend and rival I made." Ash growled.

Emmet stood back up, only to find that he was taller than both Paul and Gary. He ran up to Nurse Joy. The other boys and girl walked up to him and Nurse Joy.

"Nurse Joy, I found this Starly on my balcony and was wondering if you can help him?" Emmet said, sounding just as straight as Paul.

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