He's your WHAT??

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Nurse Joy nodded and her Chaney took the Starly away as quickly as possible. Emmet seemed confused and walked out of the Pokemon Center in thought. Ash was very curious and ran after him.

"Ash, where are you going?" Dawn asked.

"Aw, let him go. It's not worth chasing a weakling who probably won't listen to you." Paul said before walking away.

"Hey, Paul. I heard that. I'm curious to know what just happened. That's all. C'mon, Pikachu!" Ash said and Pikachu nodded.

'This could be a good opportunity to get some quality time with Ash.' Gary thought.

"I'm curious to know what happened to that Starly as well. I think I'll go with Ash to find out too." Gary said, before running off.

At the lake on the outskirts of town...

Gary had caught up with Ash and Emmet. They were right next to each other. Gary got upset and ran into the middle. He stared Emmet down. Emmet spared him a glance. Ash looked at Gary and Emmet. This isn't good.

'Uh-oh.' Ash thought.

"Hey, dude, what are you doing, standing right next to Ashy? You have got some nerve." Gary said to Emmet.

"..." Emmet didn't say anything.

"Oh, you wanna play that way, huh? Well, I'll have you know that if you ever touch Ash, I'll deal with you personally. Got it?" Gary said.

"......." Emmet still said nothing.

"Why you! I'm going to rip out your voicebox! Just you stay--!" Emmet covered Gary's mouth with his hand.

"Do you ever stop talking, short stuff? I'm trying to think." Emmet finally said.

"Think about what?" Ash asked.

Emmet sighed. "About how that poor Starly ended up getting injured like that."

Gary pulled Emmet's hand with his hand away from his mouth. He growled as Ash smiled and talked to Emmet about the Starly. Emmet even blushed at times. Gary's jealousy grew and grew and grew. He knew he was smaller than Emmet. And in many ways at that. But he also knew that Ash knew him first and a lot longer. Emmet should be nothing but a third wheel on the scooter. A side dish or appetizer at a picnic. He should be nothing to Ash.

But it smacks him in the face when that is not the case. Ash likes Emmet. Gary doesn't know why, but Ash seemingly does. To Gary, it just isn't fair. To Ash, well, let's just say he won't ever figure it out. And to Emmet, he knows but doesn't really give a shit.

Gary's pissed. And he wants revenge. And he knows just what to do to retrieve it.

"Hey Ash, are you just trying to be nice to him or are you flirting with him?"

Before Ash could answer Gary's question, Emmet answered for him.

"I believe Ash wants to date me. So, that would technically make us Boyfriends."

"He's your WHAT??" Gary practically screamed.

Oh Revenge is on now. And to Gary, revenge is definitely pleasurable.

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