Chapter One

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Atlanta , Georgia
October 23, 2015
Onika Maraj
My face immediately met the cool air as I stepped out the passenger seat of my boyfriend's car. We were in front of Krumperz, one of the best Atlanta night clubs. My boyfriend, Jarrel,  brought me here because he knows that I like to party and I was bored by being stuck in our apartment all day. We walked over to the line and were immediately pushed by the crowd. "Move back! Here she comes!" People shouted over the loud music. Cameras flashed and I shaded my eyes trying to see who was walking in. To my surprise, Rihanna stepped out of an Escalade and walked with a pasted smile on her face. "Look baby" I pointed at Rihanna trying to show my boyfriend the special guest. The crowd opened up quickly as Rihanna walked , slaying everybody. She wore a black cocktail dress with black heels and a green clutch . The line finally assembled black to the way it was and I made my way to the front. Once I entered the club I started dancing with Jarrel. "I want to see Rihanna ," I poured . She's one of my favorite celebrities and it would make my day to see her. I walked over to the VIP section that she was in and paid the security to get in. As I walked up to the VIP section her eyes pierced through mine and I smiled shyly. "Hey boo , what you doin over here?" Her thick accent made smile and I walked over to where she was sitting. "Hi I'm Onika I'm a huge fan " she stood up and hugged me and I nearly melted. She looked me up and down and smirked , " mhm I'm a fan too " she started dancing and I started dancing with her. I started grinding against her body and she moaned in my ear. It motivated me to keep going so I rubbed my butt on her body , making her feel all over me. I must admit it was a great feeling, her hands explored my body and she didn't stop. "Keep going girl" she cheered me on as I grinded to Chris Brown's Liqour. At the end of the song I clapped and turned to face Rihanna. "That was fun !" I laughed and she rubbed my arm. "It was , what are you doin tonight?" She screamed over the music and my cheeks turned hot . I think I just became friends with a celebrity. "I'm going back home with my boyfriend why wassup?" She grabbed my wrist and pulled me into the back room of the club, just behind the VIP section. I tripped on the step and she caught me in her arms, her eyes lit up when she looked down at me. "Hi" she smiled and I smiled back, shrugging gently out of her embrace. "You seem chill as fuck. You should come to my hotel room and chill with me I need the company " she started staring at my chest and I felt uncomfortable. "I need to go home with my boyfriend, I work tomorrow" she nodded and smirked. "Where do you work?" Her eyes were full of lust and I quickly looked away. "I'm a bartender at The Lounge" I smiled at her again, she didn't dare take her eyes off of me. "Great, I'll stop by tomorrow and pick you up. Give me your phone " I handed her my phone and she punched her number in , licking her lips. She leaned in close to my ear , putting her lips inches away from my lobe. "Don't be scared baby" she whispered softly.

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