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All the guys were chilling out on the lunch table outside since they were all waiting for Kyungsoo because they wanted to see if kyungsoo got the good grade or not.

But in all means they were all waiting to see if they lost the bet or not; Kyungsoo may think they are mad with him because he literally dragged all of them into the bet without even telling them til this morning . At first they were until; Kris confronted the innocent Panda saying he bought him a dress to wear, at first They didn't understand what he meant until Kyungsoo told them earlier.

Tao then told the rest of the guys, and they were pissed off that they had to dress up as a maid, but what didn't stop the them was that they actually "liked" the gang of bad boys and being with them for over a month; made the group hear bells in their ears.

They were busy talking but Tao's phone began to vibrate . He took his phone to see it was from Kyungsoo...

"Oh dear..." Tao said  getting everyone attention.

"What is it? Is it Kyungsoo?! Read it out loud." Luhan said well more like barked like a chihuahua in Tao's point of view

He looked at the message and began to read it.

"Tao I have bad news, I lost the bet to Jongin... I'm guessin the bet starts on Monday. I'll meet up with you guys at the park." Tao announced the message to the others

"Damn it!" They all yelled at the same time.

"Well looks like we gotta meet Kyungsoo at the park." Suho said while grabbing his things along with helping the others get their things.

The groups began to walk and talk ignoring the real reason why they were heading to meet with Kyungsoo; either it was to hang with him or choke the lights out of him.


Finally they made it to the park only to see---

The "bad boy" group their sitting with Kyungsoo while Kyungsoo sat awkwardly in jongin's lap while Jongin kept trying to kiss the smaller on; but Kyungsoo resisted since they were in public and his friends were practically watching everything.

"YA!" Chen the troll of the bad boy group yelled finally getting his groups attention and the innocent ones attention as well.

"Aren't you gonna come sit with me!" Chen said giving the usual smirk towards Kyungsoo friends'

"W-who are you talking to?" Kyungsoo asked while he forcefully shoved Jongin away for the fifth time

"The chubby cheek one." He said while he pointed at Xiumin "ya! Who you calling chubby!" Xiumin yelled at the troll named Chen while he put on a mad face which only made him look ten times more cuter; especially making his cheeks pop out more and Chen was adoring his new maids cuteness

"You who else? Plus your gonna be MY maid for the summer so get used to me calling you more names cutie." Chen said smirking while he pulled Xiumin to sit next to him while Xiumin didn't fight back; not even fight back the massive blush that everyone could see.

Eventually the rest of the group were picked out by the bad boys and had to sit next to them.

"Now that everything is sorted out how about we get to know each other. How about you Panda what's your name" Yifan or more known by Kris said to Tao his new 'maid' for the summer

the guys had sharp jaw line, cold hearted face, and was really tall and slightly built since you could tell form his broad shoulders.

"My names Tao; and there's nothing else I can say at the moment." Tao said "awe come on there's gotta something?"Kris said while nudging the younger's shoulder harshly

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