18. (Chanbaek)

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Let the drama once again begin!!


When chanyeol woke up his head felt like goo, and his mouth had a vomit like taste.

"Chanyeol!! Get up your sleeping in your own vomit and may I remind you are laying in the hallway floor!!" Sehun yelled has he helped his Hyung up to his feet

"Where's Baek??"

"His at your house. I suggest you go over there and quickly too." Said luhan who appeared next to Sehun.

"Your probably right, well I'll see you guys next weekend ."

After that the tall male left the house but with his shoes not even put on correctly.

"Watch Sehun-ah in a few hours chanyeol will be back."

"How do you know ?"

"Please we're dealing with Byun Baekhyun here."

"Oh.....Say aren't you suppose to me wearing the maid outfit by now??"





I don't even know what I'm writing but the drama hasn't started yet so stay with me


"Baek??" Chanyeol said as he stepped foot into his house, and not gonna lie this is the first time chanyeol felt scared to step into a house, into his house...

The air felt cold has chanyeol made his way up the stairs with every creak he felt his instincts yell at him "GET THE HELL OUT OF THERE!!" But his heart said otherwise.

Before going into his room he walked into Baekhyun's to see the small male on his phone with his back faced towards the door.

Chanyeol closed the door softly; an sat on the edge of the bed, just for safety measures.


"Don't 'Baek' me, Park"

"Woah where's did the formality come from?"

" in your ass to the corner, is where my foot is gonna go if you don't shut up and leave my room!" Baekhyun said but with much more anger and sass

You can say his bitchy side was about to rise...

"Baekhyun I don't even know why the hell your mad at me, I mean I should be the one mad!"

"Now why the hell should you be the one mad mhm?!"

"You left me at Sehun's!! And need I remind you, on the floor!!"

"So?" Baekhyun said with his arms crossed infront of his chest


"Yeah so? You've done worse and especially towards me!" Baekhyun shoved his pointing finger to chanyeol's chest.

The two were face to face; well chanyeol was standing on the side of the bed while Baekhyun was standing on the bed.

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