4. {kaisoo}{Taoris}{Xiuchen}

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Kai was overjoyed when he finally had Kyungsoo to himself for over two months!

He was so happy that he kept hugging and clutching Kyungsoo's body like if he was going to disappear in mid-air.

"Your so cute! And squishy!" Jongin cooed at Kyungsoo while Kyungsoo kept whining at him to let his body go; but Jongin didn't listen like always.

The finally made it Jongin house and Jongin instantly told Kyungsoo to see if the maid outfit fitted him well and while Kyungsoo was dreading it Jongin was happy with it.

The outfit contained a white headband, a maid dress but not the long skirt ones the short skirt with puffy sleeves on the the shoulders; along with white knee high socks that contained black bows, and black slippers so that the socks won't get dirty at the bottom and all the 'maids' had to wear it when they got to their house to 'serve' the older guys.

Kyungsoo sighed loudly while he slipped his clothes off and put on the 'uniform' the older agreed for the younger ones to where.

"Talk about perverts." Kyungsoo mumbled "I heard that!" Jongin said from the other side of the room Kyungsoo was going to stay at.

"Ya! What are you doing?!" Kyungsoo said irritated "trying to pick the lock what else?" Jongin said like if was the most normal thing to say to something while they are busy changing into a skin showing outfit.

"YA! I'll call you when I'm finished I'm having a hard time with the outfit you know."

"I can help you!" The older said through the door.

"Aish this kid." Kyungsoo said

"Kid?!" Jongin yelled "I'm a month older than you!" "I know but you act like an child I still wonder why I even lost to you." Kyungsoo said, luckily he didn't hear the doorknob jingle so he thought Jongin had already got tired of waiting and went downstairs.

'Here's goes nothing.' Kyungsoo thought while he put the white headband on and scurried out the room and down to the living room where he heard the tv going.


"Jongin does it look bad?" Jongin heard from the steps of the stairs. He turned around and instantly felt hot!

'H.O.L.Y S.H.I.T.' Jongin thought while he stared at Kyungsoo in the maid costume he looked so hot and cute at the same time! Jongin just wanted to have the small in his arms but he also wanted to squish the younger chubby cheeks to death as well.

"You l-look good Kyungsoo, no you look hot,sexy, and pretty!" Jongin said making Kyungsoo blush at his compliment.

"T-thanks?" Kyungsoo squeaked; which made Jongin smile at the reaction he got out of the younger. "Your welcome," he smiled "can you make me some food I didn't eat a lot today and I'm hungry." Jongin whined

"What do you want chicken?"

"Yes!" Jongin chirped happily letting his smile grow, which Kyungsoo couldn't like looked adorable and cute at the same time.

Kyungsoo nodded his head and headed to the kitchen to make him food while Kyungsoo walked Jongin checked his back frame out.

'Damn' he thought while his eyes trailed to Kyungsoo lower body, and boy was he enjoying the view when Kyungsoo bended down a little looking for the ingredients to make food.

Jongin was gonna enjoy his vacation; and that's what he'll do.


While Kris bid goodbye to the guys; Tao was already upstairs trying on the outfit and putting on the socks as well.

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