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"Oh my god get it lay get it!!" Suho screamed

"I'm trying!"

Suhoe screams loudly but was shut up with a smack beside the head.

"I got the fucking roach a minute ago, stop screaming." Lay said harshly rolling his eyes at his maid.

"Bugs and I don't get along, which is why I rarely go outside." Suho said as he jumped off the kitchen counter.

"Plus the bug was bigger then my thumb lay!!"

"Look now the table as your finger prints again, clean it."

"I'm going, jeez looks like someone woke up on the wrong side of the bed this morning." Suho said kind of hurt, that lay went back to all commanding

"What did you say?" Lay barked making suho shut his mouth and responded with a ,"nothing!!"

"Mhm, I'm going out, get my clothes ready for me." He said as he walked up the stairs and shut the bathroom door loudly.

Suho sighed as he made his way up the stairs into lay's room to find him clothes.

"His lucky he gets to wear his regular clothes then a fucking skirt all day." He said making an ugly face.

Ever since that night at Sehun's place, lay has been avoiding suho to the point where lay gets on his case on the most tiniest things ever.

For example when suho fell asleep on the couch with the Tv on, he was woken up with music blaring into his ear and when he woke up late he got cold water splashed into his face.

But The morning after that night suho called lay by his real name and lay had the other pinned down on the couch threatening the boy god knows what he was gonna do to him if he ever called him that name again.

Which had suho a crying mess in his room, he thought him and lay were on good terms but apparently they weren't; not even the slightest bit


Suho got lost in his train of thought that he didn't hear the shower go off and realizing lay was practically face to face in front of him with only a towel wrapped around his waist.

'My godddd' suho thought

"Quit staring at me, and give me my clothes." He hissed with his hand out making a grabbing motion.

"Here..." suho quickly handed a pair of clothes and lay was quick enough to snatch the clothes and shove suho out of his room.

Suho sighed loudly and walked to his room. He honestly didn't know what was up with Yixing lately, well more like he didn't know what was up with Lay lately.

Suho decided since lay was probably already gone by now, he would take a nice short nap before getting down to cleaning the house.

"I'm leaving now." Lay popped his head into the room only to catch view of suho laying on his stomach and the skirt rising up a little bit

(Note that they are still obligated to wear the maid suits)

Lay couldn't lie he liked-- no loved the view, if he wanted to he would squish the fuck out of the plump ass displayed in front of him.

'With the hell of it' he thought, he pulled his sleeves up slightly and let his palm come in contact with the others butt and gave it a tight squeeze that had Suho yelping out in shock and pain; but mostly pain

He jumped up quickly and and threw a swing; landing a punch on lay's cheek

"Oh my god ! Oh my god! Oh my god! Yixing are you okay!? I'm so sorry!" Suho said as he jumped off his bed, now fully woken up, to aid Lay who seemed to be knocked out.

"Oh god! Yixing! Wake up!" He said as he shook Lay's shoulder,"aigo what do I do!? I never thought my punches were that hard! No wonder Baekhyun always whined when I smacked him..."

Lay groaned as he opened his eyes to see suho's face. "Your too close suho..."

Way too close...

"Are you okay! Your cheek is turning kind of purple..." he said as he touched lay's cheek and rubbed it softly

Lay couldn't lie he loved how suho was caring for him, despite that he punched the hell out of his face. But lay shouldn't be loving the touch, he shouldn't be loving the care, and he definitely shouldn't be loving suho...

That night at Sehun's place was like a dream come true; he held suho like he was his and only his that night he showed his feelings towards the other male ignoring the fact he was full out drunk.

He wanted to show suho his feelings for him; but lay doesn't have that type of experience in the fluff department. (Which is a total lie in reality XD) In all his life his been in relationships but he was only in it for the good fuck and broke up with them the next day.

Lay had the image of the most baddest boys in his school and known in his group of friends to fight and talk shit about anyone and everyone who threatened him or his close ones;suho included

But with suho...it's different...it wasn't suho falling for lay first, it was lay falling
For suho. And suho was just so innocent and oblivious about it! Which mad lay kinda angry; note why he was always mean towards Suho...

"Can you um, get off me?" He asked, suho blinked repeatedly and his face flushed

"S-Sorry!" He said as he pulled his arm away which took the warmness lay was leaning into and sat on his knees.

Lay got off his back and stared at suho,"I-I'll go get you an ice pack!"

"There's no need for that. I'm heading out," lay said looking down at his lap,"I won't be back till tonight...so don't wait up" with that he got up and walked out only for suho to scramble onto his feet and began saying 'but you face will get swollen' but lay didn't care..he needed to talk to someone...anyone about his feelings for a certain cute looking bunny person.

As lay was putting on his shoes and jacket and was about to leave the house, his name was called... his real name...

"Y-Yixing!" Suho called

Lay looked back,only to catch suho staring back at him, but smiling sheepishly,"what?"

"Why were you blushing when I touched your cheek? Do you like me?"


The door slammed loudly making the whole house shake.

Suho smiled happily,"I'll take that as yes."



I feel accomplished, back then I was thinking of deleting this chapter but with a few marks here and there. It finally became one!!

Well anyways I hope you guys enjoy, adiosssss 👋🏻

Btw excuse my errors

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