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it was morning already, and Luhan woke up on the floor with ragged clothes on, well ragged 'outfit'.

He went to the bathroom and saw someone that wasn't him. his eyes were puffy, his cheeks were red, and his hair was an explosion...

he looked at the time, and saw that it was 9:55.

'shit' luhan thought, 'I slept through my whole morning!?'

he brushed his teeth, and tamed his hair. He left the bathroom  and changed his clothes since it was Saturday and they weren't required to wear their 'outfits' on the weekends.

( I don't remember if I put that as a rule, but with the heck of it)

he took in a big breath, and opened the door slowly....

He peaked his head out but saw no sign of Sehun, like not at all. he walked into the hallway and into the guest room to no sign of the girl....

'she must've left later at night....' Luhan thought, he walked into the room and saw that the bed was well made and the clothes he let borrowed the women borrow was folded neatly on top of the bed along with a little folded paper

Luhan grabbed the paper and unfolded it and saw writing.


thank you for caring for me unnie, and making sure I didn't make a mistake I was to regret. To show how thankful I am I did the bed and returned your clothes, though your shirt was pretty tight on me 😅. Thank you again for taking of care of me, and once again sorry for being probably embarrassing...

sincerely with lots of love,

Kitty B

(I know you spell her name like Kitti B but we're gonna do it with a 'Y' at the end, plus I forgot her real name so bear with me)

Luhan smiled how generous this stranger was to clean after themselves and to apologize for their actions.

'And to think I was going to become friends with them' he thought as he went downstairs to make himself some food, along with making something for drunk Sehun....


"Are you sure Luhan and Sehun are alright?" Kyungsoo asked Xiumin as they walked.

Chen and Baek were horse playing, while Chanyeol was showing Jongin something from his phone.

"I don't know Kyunggie, but I hope they are okay. I've seen how Sehun acted at school and it wasn't pretty, he treats people like if they were something gross under his shoe, but in reality the gross thing his him. Til this day I still wonder what Luhan saw in him...." Xiumin said kicking some pebbles as they walked.

Kyungsoo nodded his head and looked behind him to see Chen having Baek in a headlock while Jongin was talking to Chanyeol about who knows what

"How lives are so fucked up." Kyungsoo said, Xiumin nodded his head

"Couldn't agree with you more."

"Sehun-ah?" He called as he opened the door to Sehun's room.

He walked into the room and put the tray of food down on the desk.

Sehun was sprawled on his stomach with his limbs spread out.

"Sehun-ah." He called as He sat myself on the edge of his bed. Sehun just moaned and covered himself with his cover.

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