9. {Chanbaek}

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this whole week for Baekhyun was tiring, especially since he had a lazy giant to take care of. And even when ever Baek enters a room, Chanyeol is always leaving the room like if he didn't want to be in any room with the smaller male.

But I guess Chanyeol couldn't avoid him forever... now that he started to catch a cold..

it all happened just yesterday when Baek came to save the giant ass, LITERALLY..

~~~Past time Whoosh Whoosh~~~

Baek was already up early you know making the giant some food, when he heard a giant crash from upstairs. As quick as Baekhyun little short legs could he ran up the stairs to find a certain someone in the bathroom throwing up like there was no tomorrow.

"Chanyeol? are you okay? what was that crash?" Baekhyun asked as he crawled towards Chanyeol who was holding the toilet for dear life. "get away Baek I-I don't want to get you sick."

"that's something you shouldn't worry about now Channie, we need to get you some water and a towel." Baek said as he got up from his knees and also help the giant up as well.

as he practically dragged Chanyeol's body back into his room, Baek could feel the olders hot breaths on his neck which sent shivers down the younger's spine, 'but now wasn't the time to play games with the giant' Baekhyun thought.

Finally after what seemed forever to a Baek they made it to the Giants room, Baek was about to the Giant there carefully but Chanyeol couldn't wait and planted himself onto the bed also with a mini person under him.

"C-Chanyeol! Your squishy m-me!" Baek whined, but Chanyeol's head was crowded with aching pain. Chanyeol grilled onto Baek's small body as if his life depended on the little one.

And Baek get letting out mini squeaks and squeals because of Chanyeol grabbing him like that.

After a few tries or so, Baek finally escaped Chanyeol's grip. "I'll be right back I just need to get you some water and towels..."

"Don't, leave me..." Chanyeol moaned out and grabbed his head when he felt the pain come back harder.

"I'll just be away for a moment," Baek said then he bended down to wear his face touched chanyeol's ," trust me I won't take long..."

Baek quickly as ever ran to get some cool water and a few towels along with grabbing some of the food he made for the giant not that long ago. As Baek when up the stairs he saw that Chanyeol was out of his bed again but this time taking off his shirt.

"Y-Ya!! What are you doing Yeol? Your suppose to be in bed. Resting!" Baek yelled out, he put the tray of food down on the desk table and went to put Chanyeol back into the bed.

"I know, it's just's so--so hot ugh!..." Chanyeol whined.

To baekhyun the temperature of the room was perfectly fine but to Chanyeol it felt like the inside of a volcano, and Chanyeol wasn't having that.

"Baek I'm taking my pants off."

"Well at least let me turn around so I won't see."

"You act like a girl Baek, we're both guys."

"Just take your fucking pants off already." Baek yelled and he tapped his foot.

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