chapter one

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I grabbed my keys and walked out the door, feeling the scorching sun hit my skin . I got in my car turning on the air and radio , it seems that it took me forever to get to the car . Between my friends and I , I'm usually the last one here. They're usually with their boyfriends in the mornings and you guessed right , I'm the single one. They go meet their boyfriends and I go buy my breakfast until they're done .

I'm Londyn , and it's finally my senior year . I have three friends Olivia , Aubree , and Chanelle . I guess you can say I'm the lame friend that likes to stay in the house fifty percent of the time .You can say or use the term "popular" to describe us but I just like the word social . I mean I'm a little spoiled and get my way from everybody but it's never always been like that. It seems I have the perfect life , but no where near.

Walking into first period I sat in my usual seat in the back as Aubree sat a seat away.

"Okay class , you have a project on the emotions we've been learning. The project will be worked on with a partner and to bring you out of your comfort zone , I have chosen your partners. " Mrs.Johnson said .

I rolled my eyes at the thought I working with anyone besides Aubree.

" I want Jackson and Lanna , Aubree and Maria , London and Jacob -" Mrs.Johnson said .

"Who is Jacob ? "I looked around n

"I'm Jacob. "The voice to the left of my heavily dragged.

I looked over and look at the boy as he had the meanest look on his face , he was cute though.

"Have you always been in this class ? "I asked .

"Yeah , I've sat next to you pretty much all semester "He rolled his eyes.

"I knew that !" I lied , trying to smile.

"Yeah whatever , so you wanna come to my house after school ? How you wanna do this ? " he said .

"Umm , how about mine ?"

"Okay well here , just call me when the last bell rings and I can meet you ." he said passing me his number .

"Alright , " I grabbed it , stuffing it in my purse.

I have to admit I was really creeped out by him , I mean he dresses weird and acts a little off . He was cute though ...

After first period I went through the entire school day thinking about what to do for the project .

When the last bell ring I called his phone a couple of times while I waited by my car but I got no response .

It was about fifteen minutes later right before I was about to leave when he came out .

" What took you so long ? "My attitude jumped out at him.

"Chill , I was getting more info on the project." He pulled out a paper.

"Whatever , come on " I said unlocking my car door .

"This is you car ? " He said with a confused look .

" Yea , why did you say it like that ? " I asked ."

"This is An Audi , you know how expensive these are ? "

"No , mommy bought it for my birthday . Dont you have a car ? "

" No , the bus is my transportation " he said laughing .

"Whats funny ? "

"Oh nothing " he said getting in .

Confused ,Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora