a little something

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We sat down on the couch and cut on our favorite movie,The Little Rascals .We've been watching this since we were little and it always bought back memories. I layed on Chres's shoulder as we laughed together, this just made me sadder but I had to play it off.

The next morning I woke up on Chres's face, I'm so confused. I was laying on his cheek, and he was knocked out. I got up and layed the cover on him, it was around eight o'clock, which means its time to wake up Jacob. I walked in the room and he was sleeping so peaceful I didn't even want to disturb him. I walked over to him and tapped him lightly.

"baby wake up "

He was still sleep, I shook him a little harder.

"Jacob baby wake up "

He was still asleep. I reached for the cover and pulled it off of him.

"nigga get ya ass up"

He turned over and tried to pull the cover back up.

"come-on don't play you know we have stuff to do today "

"Oh my gosh " he stormed out of bed and into the bathroom to take a shower.

"crybaby "

I got my stuff, and went to take a shower too but he locked the bathroom door.This nigga is really mad , I went to sleep at six o'clock. I got two hours of sleep and he's the one complaining, like seriously? I grabbed my clothes and stormed to Chres's bathroom.

I got out the shower thirty minutes later, and walked in the room fully dressed and my hair done. I stepped in the room and Jacob was just sitting on the bed with his underwear on, he didn't do his hair or put on clothes yet.

"Jacob, what the hell were gonna be late, what are you doing? "

"chill, I'm about to get dressed. "

I rolled my eyes and walked downstairs to see if Chres was awake .I waked downstairs and he was still asleep, I cooked him a small breakfest and walked back upstairs. I walked in the room and he was walking out the door.

"about time "

He ignored me and kept walking. He walked out the door and I kissed Chres on the forehead and walked out the door .I got in the car, ready for his attitude.

" so you have a attitude because you had to wake up early? "

"I got four hours of sleep, I'm just not in the mood "

"and I got two hours, but I know it's stuff we have to do today."

"okay Londyn calm down "

"you have attitudes like your on your period or something yo "

"Londyn just leave me alone right now... "

" gimme kiss " I just wanted to mess with him since he didn't want to be bothered.

"leave me alone "

"whhhhy? baby just give me one "

I leaned over with my lips poking out.He put hand over my mouth, and I licked it.

"your gross "

"kiss me "

"no Londyn "

"ill swerve this car "

"whatever "

I swerved just a little bit just to scare him a little bit. We jerked and he looked at me like I was crazy.

"that's kiss? "

He leaned over a pecked me lightly and turned his head.

"you think that's gone work, kiss me like you mean it now? "

"Londyn your doing the most "

He leaned over and kissed me passionately.

"now don't you feel better? "

He just smiled and looked out the window. Today we were going to help plan a going away party for Chres. and run some other errands .I don't think I'm gonna be able to take the twins to the park today, too bad. I decided to go to party city and pick up a few things, then go get a banner made. Tomorrow we were going to Paris so I have to get slot of stuff which I don't feel like.

I turned in the order for the banner and got back in the car.

"so Londyn Where are we going next? "

"umm pick up a few travel things from Walmart "

"okay, ill go and you can stay in the car "

"okay "

We drove to Walmart and he got out the car leaving his phone. Of course I picked it up, and started going through it A protective girlfriend is a good girlfriend right? I unlocked his phone and started going through his call log, I trusted him and all but STILL. Let me find out he been talking to some lil hoes. I scrolled through his call log..

-Ray 4:00

-Ray 3:36

-Prod 2:00

-My Baby 1:20

-Aubree 8:42

-Auntie 8:40

-Cuzzo 5:00

The hell? so is that who Prod was talking to last night? It was about the same time. hmmmm....

I saw Jacob coming back to the car and I locked his phone and hurry up and threw it back in the seat. He opened the door and put the bags in the back .

"what all did you get babe? "

"everything you asked for and a couple extras "

"okay, good job baby "

"yup "

"so umm what did you do when I left last night "

"I talked to Chres about what happened and talked on the phone "

"oh who was up that late? "

"um Aubree "

"oh about what? "

" the trip "

"oh... okay. "

"yeah. why? "

"no reason, I love you " I said smiling...

"huh? what's wrong? "

"nothing. just saying I love you baby "

"oh okay, love you too baby " he said pecking my lips but I didn't kiss back.

This nigga just sat here and lied to my face, I know damn well he wasn't talking to Aubree this late she don't pick up the phone for nobody that late. What the hell does he have going on?

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