He is a what??

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       Caroline's pov

            " hey guys what do you want?" I said questioning what they've wanted even tho I already know. "Why is HE here?" Bonnie said. "Guys I had to hep him" "What! You want to help him after all of what he done to us." Elena yelled at me. "He killed Tyler's mom!" "Guys!" I yelled back, but they keep on listing and listing reasons and reasons why I shouldn't trust him. Quite frankly I finally had enough of it. "HE HAS A CHILD!!!" I yelled loud enough that the whole house could hear me. The next thing I know is that all of the guys pile in here.

Matts pov.
   I feel that awkward vibe coming from the room. Mostly because no one is talking Damon keeps smiling while Stefan is giving Klaus the death stare, just like how Klaus is giving Enzo death stares. Then I hear Caroline yell something I mean all I can hear is mumbling but it must have been something big because the guys have that face like something had blew up. So then we all start piling up into the kitchen. "Caroline, Klaus has a child?"Damon said, but then he turned to Klaus and said,"You have a child?" Then I butted in. "Do you mean to tell me that there is an immortal blood sucking hybrid running around here?" Then klaus started laughing. "She isn't exactly only enough to be running around but I suppose you could put it like that." "I can't deal with that I mean it's all cool that you guys are vampires but I'm just now getting used to that and now I have to the fact that there is now two hybrids around. Sorry guys I'm just not ready for that. Listen care I love you but I don't agree with your decision to let him stay." And with that I left.

Elena's pov.
   After Matt walked out it got pretty quiet I knew that this wouldn't sit well with him.  Let's face it he wanted to kill us at one point. I am very surprise that klaus has a child to be honest I though the only thing he cared about was himself. Then Bonnie breaks the silence. "Your a father, that is impossible you are practically dead." "You know what I don't think we should be here I think you guys need some space." I added knowing that if I say that we are leaving then we will. Let's face it this is the weirdest thing that has happened since well since Damon said he would take the cure with me granted we never took it. The next thing I did was give Damon those I'm feeling awkward get me out of here eyes. The next thing he said was " Guys I love the big supernatural baby thing just as much as the next guy but I think we better get going."

Ps. I wrote this in like one night so please overlook errors and I know this is sloppy so please don't hate but I would love you feedback to make the story better bye loves😘

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