Going to New Orleans

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Caroline was prepared to leave. She had packed all of hopes things and now she was packing hers. She had just texted Elena that she was leaving, so she was expecting a call anytime soon.

Carolines pov

"Okay so I got the phone charger, makeup bag, clothes, shoes, purse, and hopes things. What am I forgetting?" She was reciting all the stuff she was putting in her car then she gets a phone call. "Right on schedule. Hey Elena,sorry for springing this last minute trip on you."
"Sorry little miss perfect, you got the wrong person. Maybe next time you should check caller ID before you answer."
Dang it I mumbled to myself.
Sorry, what was that I couldn't here you there."
"I just said hello Haley."
"Ok, well I'm going to cut this short you have my daughter and I want her back and I swear to god if you don't give her to me I'm going to rip your little precious town to pieces. So I suggest you cooperate, it would be a shame if-" God I've had enough of this.
"Fine you can have hope back, I was actually about to get in my car and bring her down there myself."
"So you are bringing her here?"
"Ok then I guess we have an agreement here I will see you and my daughter soon"
Before I could say bye she had already hung up. Gosh she is such an asshole.
Then two other people walked in the door. "Elena, Bonnie what are you doing here I texted you I would pick you guys up."
"Yea, I know but do you honestly think that we are just going to go along with your insanity." Bonnie said in a joking but serious manner.
"Listen care we love you but this is worse than the time u got use all up a three a.m to shovel snow, just so you could have your annual winter formal." Elena said a little annoyed.
"Yea I know guys, but you have no ideal what Klaus has been putting me through."
"I know care but you can't just keep dragging us everywhere." Elena said.
"Ok I know but I really need you guys, we have been so bored with everything recently that I didn't think that you guys had anything to do."
They both looked at me like I was being a total bitch, granted I feel like one right about now.
"Sorry that came out wrong what I was trying to say is that I really need you guys and I can't do this alone; so what do you say will you guys please come with me." I was now begging.
"Ok Caroline we will go, but neither of us are packed." Bonnie says smiling.
"I can arrange that." I said smiling.

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