Tired of childish ways

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"Klaus you can not keep doing this!" Caroline screams into the phone before he hangs up on her. "Hello...HELLO." Great just great Caroline thought as she threw her phone across the room. He did it again he left his daughter with her. She has honestly had enough. So she goes across the room and reaches under her bed to get her phone. Now she is going to call him back and give him a piece of her mind.
      "Klaus you know I love spending time with your child and all but this is getting annoying. I know I'm leaving this all on your voice mail and all, but if you do not come back here and get your child I'm going to get in my car and high tail my ass to New Orleans and I'm bring your daughter with me." Then she stopped recording the message. She knew there was a lot of things was going on over there but she didn't care it wasn't worth it.
     Haley has been threatening her for weeks over hope. Getting random messages like for example
You better give me my daughter back or god so help me Caroline I will track you down and rip off you head.
It's not like she was all "what was the worst thing I could do to Haley",when she took in the little one. Caroline love kids and she couldn't help but say yes when Klaus asked her to watch Hope. Ever since she took the little one in all it has been one obstacle after another, the first trying to get Hope situated and the second was the threats from Haley. All of the stress it was putting on her was enough to make a human in their twenties have a heart attack.
   Now Caroline has had enough of it she told Klaus that he needed to stop doing this months ago when she was tired of getting death threats. Caroline was happy to watch hope as long as he talked to Haley first to make sure it was okay with her that she watches after hope and schedule ahead of time that Caroline could get the child. She was kind of a perfectionist and when things like hope getting dropped off without her knowing and being awoken by death threats happen to her, it kinda makes her a little crazy.  Quite frankly she has had enough and was tired of his childish ways. There was only one thing that was left that she could do. So that is official she was going to New Orleans.

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