7 || WHAT ARE YOU, 5!?

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Erin's POV:

Today we were all going to the beach. Me and Eliza and all the guys. Calum was bringing his very talented sister because she was in town and wanted to join us and Luke was coming with a girl named Tess. Apparently they met through a mutual friend and were just seeing what happened.

"Are you ready?" I heard Michael call from the lounge downstairs. He had come to my parents house to pick me up. Mum didn't really have an interest in Michael so she just went up and did her own thing while Michael waited downstairs, but Dad made sure he was comfortable before going upstairs. I didn't like the fact that Mum was being like this today, but the women was fickle about this stuff and Dad never knew how to handle her when she was like this, so he usually stayed out of it.

"Almost, just give me a sec" I called back and knocked on the door to Dad's study
"Got everything?" He asked and I nodded
"Yeah, thanks for letting me go out with them" I said and he nodded. Mum walked in and leaned on the desk.
"You know you're wasting your time right?" she asked and I frowned
"What do you mean?" I asked him, confused as to what he was talking about

"Michael. The boy has strange colored hair, he's practically famous. He can't give you what you need. Sure, he can provide for you but he can't be there when you need him. What happens when he goes on tour and he finds someone else that can make him happier than you can, or the other way around. You should quit while your ahead" she told me and I just looked at him in shock
"Mel, don't start" Dad said to Mum but she just rolled her eyes.

"Wow, that's rich coming from you Mum. You have no idea what kind of person Michael is. And you clearly don't care because you never said more than two words the the guy. Don't tell me what I should and shouldn't do, it's my life" I said and he nodded at me
"Well then maybe it's time that you left" she said and I frowned
"Excuse me?"
"You think you have it all figured out? Sweetheart I love you, but I can't watch you ruin your life like I know you will. So I think you should move out. Your 19 now anyway." She said and I just looked at him
"DAD!?" I looked at him and he shook his head at Mum
"Don't be ridiculous Melissa, you don't have to go anywhere sweetheart" Dad said and I rubbed my temples

"No, you know what, she's right. I'm 19, it's time I moved out. Here I was thinking you actually cared about your daughter, but hey, sorry, I must have been sadly mistaken. I'm sick to death of you being a total bitch to me, treating me like absolute crap!" I said and he sighed
"That's it! You will not speak to me like that. Get out of my house!" She screamed and I turned around to leave
"Erin, please don't go" Dad started and I shook my head
"I'll get my stuff out as soon as I can." I said and kept walking, pausing by the door, "oh and one last thing Mum," I said as she looked up at me, "Fuck you" I yelled and slammed the door behind me.

"Erin? Is everything alright?" I heard Michael ask from the stairs. I headed out to him and sighed
"Just dandy" I said and grabbed my house keys. He clearly understood that I didn't want to talk about it, so he just took my bag and put it in the back seat of his car. I got into the passenger seat and buckled up as he pulled out of the driveway.

We were halfway there when I had finally calmed down. Michael had intertwined our fingers because he knew that that would calm me down a little.
"Mum kicked me out" I said after half an hour of silence and Michael looked at me quickly
"What!? Why?" He asked and I sighed
"Because she thinks I'm ruining my life by being with you. She didn't even say more than 3 words to you and she thinks that. It's ridiculous. It's my life, not hers." I said and he nodded
"I'm sorry that I caused this" he said and took his hand away. I looked at him and saw he felt really bad for what I had just told him
"Pull over" I said and he nodded, pulling off the road to the side and putting it in park.

Beautiful Disaster || Ashton Irwin FFOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora