41 || Donkey Princess?

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"I'm here to see Jacob Peters" I told the lady at the front desk and she gave me a visitor name tag and I followed another man through the halls to see my brother. He opened the door and Jake was just laying there on his bed, staring at the wall
"Hey Jake" I said and he instantly stood up
"Sister!" He said and hugged me. The guy smiled and left us alone.
"How are you?" I asked
"I'm alright, I'm getting used to these walls" he said and I nodded
"Well that's good" I said
"And how is everything? How's Ashton?" He asked
"He's good... We broke up over Christmas but we're back together now. We just got back from London" I said and he smiled
"That's sounds amazing, how was it?" He asked
"It was really great. We went to a New Years Party that Harry Styles hosted and I basically spent the week with him. It was heaps of fun" I said and he smiled
"Hanging with your celebrity lover!" He said and I pushed his shoulder
"Inspiration, Jake" I said and we both laughed

"So why did you and Ash break up?" He asked
"He kept lying to me and hiding things from me. We've had a few rough patches in the last couple of weeks and so I had just had enough. Everything feels right now, so I guess that's a good thing" I said and he nodded

"And how's Erin and Michael?" He asked
"They're good. I think she's a little bit jetlagged, she hasn't really been herself since we got back" I said and he nodded
"Well I hope she's ok" he said and I nodded
"Wait, why do you car so much?" I asked and he sighed
"No reason, just trying to get my head around everything that's going on. Don't you guys leave for tour soon?" He asked and I nodded
"Yeah, but the date will depend on if I go for this makeup apprenticeship with One Direction's makeup artist" I said and he nodded

"I still remember when you used to play with Mum's makeup and she'd always have to clean your face because you put lipstick on your eyebrows or lip tint on you eyelids" he said and we both laughed
"Yeah, those were the days, right?" I asked and he nodded
"I think you should go for it. Eliza, it's clearly something you want to do, and that to me sounds like the exact opportunity you need to take" he said and I nodded
"But that means I'll probably leave early April, Ash and the boys don't start til nearly the end of May. It's a month away from Ash" I said
"You're strong Eliza, you can do it if you put your mind to it. Maybe you just need to focus on you for once? I'm sure Ashton will understand" he said and I guess he was right. Ash would want me to do what was best for me.

I spent a good couple of hours with Jake and then decided it was time to head home.
"Well I had better get home and get some things done" I said and he nodded
"Of course, I know you've got a lot to do" he said
"Yeah, unpack, cook, shower, watch Netflix" I said and we both laughed
"I'll just continue to stare at my wall" he said and I sighed
"Have they said how long you'll be in here?" I asked
"As long as they can keep me here. I've heard months. I'm sure many people don't want me to get out, so I'm probably better off in here" he said and I looked at him
"I want you out of here, and even if I'm the only one, sometimes you only need one person" I said and he smiled, giving me a hug
"Come back and see me soon, ok?" He asked and I nodded
"Of course. Love you Jake" I said
"Love you too little sis" he said and I smiled as I gathered my things together and left.

As I got in the car, my phone started vibrating and it was Ashton calling me
"Hey Ash"
"Hey babe, how are you?"
"I'm good, how are you?"
"Fine. What are you up too?"
"I just went to see Jake"
"Oh cool, how's he doing?"
"He seems alright, but I know he hates it in there"
"That wouldn't be hard. At least he has you"
"True. So what's up?"
"Oh, yeah - I was just wondering if you had any plans tonight?"
"Not that I know of. What did you have in mind?"
"Well most of it is a secret, but I was thinking of having a date night?"
"Keep talking"
"I'll come get you at say 6:30?"
"Do I get any clues?"
"Dress semi-formal"
"Like a cute dress and flats or a cute dress and heels?"
"Right, got it! I'll see you at 6:30 then?"
"Of course! Can't wait. I love you"
"Love you too Ash, see you tonight"
"Bye babe" he said and I hung up.

Beautiful Disaster || Ashton Irwin FFWhere stories live. Discover now