21 || Drugs and Bong Water

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Erin's POV:

I woke up the next morning, Michael's arms wrapped around my waist and my head on his chest. I smiled and looked up at sleeping beauty who was sound asleep, as always. I couldn't help but think about last night and giggle as how much he asked me if I was ok. He was so careful and so loving the whole time; it was truly beautiful. I slowly got out of his grasp, only to awake him
"What time is it?" He asked
"11am, go back to sleep if you want" I said and he took hold of my hand
"Where are you going?" He asked
"I'm going to have lunch with Ellie" I said and he nodded
"You go have fun with Eliza." He said and I smiled, leaning over to kiss his lips.
"I'm going to go and shower and get ready" I said and he kissed my cheek

"You're still ok with last night?" He asked and I smiled at him
"Of course I am. Last night was perfect, ok?" I asked and he laid back in the bed and couldn't wipe the smile off his face
"It was amazing!" He said and I giggled,  going slightly red in the cheeks.
"Are you going back to sleep or not?" I asked and he shook his head
"Nope, I'm gonna go make some coffee and maybe do some writing" He said and I nodded
"Good, then I can play my music out loud" I said and he chuckled
"If I hear you singing, don't think I won't record it" He said as I closed the door to the bathroom. I just shook my head and locked it.

Eliza's POV:

Ashton and I had been awake since 9:30 because Calum kept texting him to wake up, only to ask him to bring him Maccas..... dick. However, Ashton told him no and to fuck off because he wanted to get some writing done. My phone went off and it was from Erin asking if I wanted to meet up for lunch and some girl time, so I told her I was in and then went to talk to Ashton.

I wrapped my arms around his shoulders and took off his headphones
"You're not trying to seduce me again are you?" He asked and I giggled
"Not this time buddy" I said and kissed his cheek
"What are you up to then?" He asked
"Well Erin just asked if I wanted to go meet up for lunch and some girl time, so is that ok?" I asked and he nodded
"Yeah, sure. Just don't forget to talk to your mum about our dinner" He said and I groaned
"Can't that wait till tomorrow?" I asked and he sighed
"You can't keep putting it off love. You need to sort this out, and I will be there every step of the way" He said and I nodded

"So tomorrow?" I asked and he nodded
"Of course, but no if, buts or maybes. Call your Mum and talk to her" He said and I smiled
"I'm so lucky to have you Ash." I said and he turned to kiss my lips.
"Are you going to go get ready?" He asked
"I love you" He said and I smiled brightly.
"I love you too Ash" I said and kissed his lips. Soon enough, he pulled away and I headed to the bathroom for a shower.


We arrived at the café and took a seat at a table against the back wall. We had ordered lunch on the way in and here we were.
"So how was your night?" I asked Erin and she went all red in the face
"Uh, it was amazing" She replied and I narrowed my eyes
"What did you guys do?" I asked and she covered her face, "NO WAY! YOU DID THE NASTY WITH HIM DIDN'T YOU!?" I exclaimed in a hushed tone and she nodded her head
"Yeah we did" She said and I clapped
"Finally! It's about flipping time you guys played Titanic" I said and she covered her mouth as we both laughed

"So how was it?" I asked her and she smiled
"It was perfect, El. He was so loving and caring the whole time. Way better than the first time" She said and I laughed
"That's because the guy was a total dick and only cared getting his dick wet" I told her and we both laughed
"But seriously Eliza, it was amazing! I couldn't have asked for anything better" She said and I smiled
"I'm so happy for you guys! That's a big step in a relationship. Ashton and I didn't waste anytime, that's for sure" I said and she giggled
"Yeah, but you had your reasons. You told him you loved him for the first time, and that in itself is just as big for you. It doesn't matter when you do it, you just have to be ready for it" She told me and I nodded
"Exactly." I said as the waiter brought us our coffees.

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