29 || Chasing Cars

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"If I lay here
If I just lay here
Would you lie with me
And just forget the world?" Ashton sang and I looked up at him
"Of course I would" I said and he chuckled

It has been a couple days since Dreamworld and Hanna and everything. Tuesday I went to talk to Alanna, the manager chick that spoke to me that day. She told me that I would have to move to Brisbane and I told her I wouldn't do that. I'm quite fine in Sydney with my friends and family and I don't feel like leaving them now is a good idea.

Yesterday we went on another hike, this time for the sunset and it was the most beautiful sunset I had ever seen. So many vibrant colours and so many blends, it was crazy! And today, here we were being lazy little shits

"Can we just have an off day?" I asked and Ash looked at me
"What do you mean?" He asked
"Like a day where we don't have a plan, we just do whatever" I said and he smiled
"That sounds great. Maybe we could go to the beach" he suggested and I nodded
"That's sound good. Let's do that" I said and he chuckled

Seeing as it was already 11am, we got up and began to get ready. I put my hair up in a pony tail and pulled on my bathing suit. I then pulled on a pair of shorts over the top and then walked out of the bathroom so see Ashton's ass
"Woah! Kim K's in the building" I said and he chuckled, pulling on his underwear
"You saying I have a fat ass?" He asked
"No, I'm saying my boyfriend has a better butt than I do" I said and he laughed
"And my girlfriend has better boobs the I do, so it's even" he said
"Ash, you don't have boobs" I said
"exactly my point" he said and I shook my head at him
"You're an idiot, but I love you" I said and he smiled, pecking my lips
"Love you too babe" he said and I giggled

We finished getting ready and headed down to the beach. I had put my phone in a zip-lock bag so it's stayed dry and the put it in my beach bag. We picked a place on the beach and sat our stuff down. As it was late November, there were a few people around. It was very humid around here and so people came here to cool down. Good thing was though, as its Thursday, young kids were at school and most people were at work, so it wasn't overly crowded.

We sat down on our towels and I took my shorts off, leaving them by my bag. I turned over to see Ashton staring at me
"Stop staring! It's rude" I said and he jumped
"Sorry, it's just you're so beautiful" he said
"Oh stop being so cheesy." I said and he chuckled

Erin's POV:

This 2 weeks was going so freaking slow. I just wish Eliza and Ashton were back already. They'd been gone almost a week and I was freaking out.

Today I was going to talk to Luke. Well, he was coming here, but only because Michael was out with his Dad for the day. I had to talk to him about what had happened, and he knew that too. I didn't have feelings for Luke, at all and that needs to be known.

There was a knock on the door and I headed over to open it
"Hey Luke, come in" I said and he smiled and walked inside before I closed the door again
"Can I get you a drink?" I asked
"Uh, just water thanks" he replied and sat down on the couch. I went and grabbed us some waters and came back to sit next to him

"Listen I know, you don't have to say anything." He said and I frowned
"What?" I asked
"You're in love with Michael and I shouldn't have tried to kiss you, I can see it in your face Erin" he said
"I'm sorry Luke, but I can't just go off with his best friend, and I know you would never ask me to do that, but I love Michael." I said
"And I know that, I just, I don't know why I feel the way I do" he said
"Hang on, how do you feel about me?" I asked and he looked away from me, "Luke?" I asked and he sighed
"I like you Erin, more than I bloody should. I can't believe I would be stupid enough to fall for my best friends girlfriend, what kind of a person does that make me? A relationship ruiner?" He asked and I looked at him
"I makes you human Luke" I said and he just shook his head
"I know I shouldn't feel this way, but I do" he said and I looked at him
"Hey, we all do things we shouldn't. I shouldn't be lying to Michael, but I am. I shouldn't be lying to Eliza, but I am. These are both because of the way I feel about both situations." I said and he nodded
"I'm really sorry Erin" he said
"You don't have to be Luke, you can't help it" I said and he nodded

Beautiful Disaster || Ashton Irwin FFWhere stories live. Discover now