11 || Bogan Australian

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I woke up and smiled, seeing the beautiful boy laying next to me. Soft snores erupting from his mouth and his hair sticking up in all different directions. He looked so cute in the morning, even when he said otherwise. I brushed his hair out of his face and kissed his cheek. He stirred slightly and I giggled. I leaned down and kissed his lips. He kissed back instantly and I laughed

"That's was quick" I said and his eyes fluttered open
"Feel free to wake me up like that whenever you want" he said and pulled me so I was sitting, straddling his waist. I leaned down, crossing my hands over each other and leaning my chin on my hands, which rested on his chest. He looked at me and he just smiled
"You look cute in the morning" he said in his gravelly morning voice
"So do you, obviously cuter than me" I said and he put his hands on my hips
"You're the cute one, don't ever say I'm cuter" he said and I sighed
"But you are! Your messy hair, your morning voice, boy you drive me insane" I said and he chuckled as he sat up. I did too and he looked at me

"No matter how you look at yourself, you will always be the most incredibly beautiful woman I have ever met. I don't care about your messy hair, I don't care about the make up that's under your eyes from the day before and I don't care what pj's you wear. All I care about is that you're here, with me" he said and I smiled at him
"Stop, you're going to make me blush!" I said and he chuckled, looking at the time

"It's 10am, do you want to go and get some breakfast?" He asked and I nodded
"Shower first" I said and got off him
"Oh, is that what I could smell?" He asked and I slapped him
"Rude! I don't smell" I said and he laughed
"Oh wait, it must be me then" he said and I laughed
"Trust me, you don't smell bad at all" I told him and he laughed, getting up and wrapping his arms around me
"Well too bad if I did because you'd have to suffer!" He said, walking me backwards into the bathroom. I laughed as he placed a kiss on my lips.

"Alright, now get out" I said and he pouted
"Awh, but why?" He asked
"Because if you're ever going to see me naked, my body needs to be groomed appropriately" I said and he narrowed his eyebrows
"You lazy human!" He said and I laughed
"You'll live, now get out" I said and chuckled
"Fine, but when you're groom appropriately, I'm coming in to shave my face" he said and I giggled
"But I like your stubble" I said and he laughed
"ITS GOING!" He said and left the bathroom. I just shook my head and locked the door incase he got any bright ideas.

I turned the water on and got it warmed up before getting in. I washed my hair, body, all the normal stuff and then shaved my legs and other areas that needed doing. I finished up and turned the water off, wrapping the towel around myself and stepping out of the shower. I dried off and put on my under garments before wrapping my hair up in a towel and opening the door

"I now give you permission to shave your face" I said and Ashton came running in. I laughed as he froze and turned around, looking at me.
"Yo baby, you pretty!" He said and I laughed at him
"You're lucky I let you in this soon" I said and he smiled
"Well I'm glad you did because it's rather unfair that you see me in my boxers every night, but I don't get to see you in your underwear. I find that rather rude" he said and crossed his arms
"Well there you go baby, I'm sorry I was rude to you" I said and took the towel off my head and flicking the water on him
"THATS IT!" He said and I ran out of the bathroom, him hot on my tail. I started squealing as I tried to get away from him but in a small apartment, it doesn't exactly work that well. I ran around the kitchen and then froze as he was at the other end of the island.
"Go away!" I said and he laughed
"Nope, not until you come here" he said and I shook my head
"NEVER!" I said and he came towards me. I went the other way and ran back into the bedroom, over the bed and onto the other side. I ran around and Ashton grabbed me pulling me back and pushing my onto the bed

"Say you're sorry!" He said
"NO!" I said
"Say it" he said and sat on top of me
"NEVER IN A MILLION YEARS!" I said and he pinned my arms above my head
"SAY IT!" He said and I laughed
"Nope" I said and he sighed
"Come on, please?" He asked and I giggled
"Fine" I said and sighed. He looked at me and I giggled, "ILL NEVER SAY IT!" I said and he shook his head at me
"Fine, no more kisses for Eliza" he said and got off me

Beautiful Disaster || Ashton Irwin FFWhere stories live. Discover now