luke extremely sick with flu

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this is for ikisslukeyyy

Luke's POV:

"Agh, Michael I hate this so much." I mumbled.

He started to rub my stomach, "Yeah I know Luke but this has to be over soon. I mean you've been sick for three days already."

"Oh god here it goes again." I muttered. My head was in the porcelain throne and once again my stomach insides appeared. When I was done, Michael wiped away the sweat from my face.

"Geez Luke I can't believe you have it this bad." Mikey stated.

My stomach started to make sickly noises once again, "Why won't my stomach leave me alone?"

Mikey rubbed my stomach as I groaned. I felt completely miserable. Wait a minute, you have no idea what's going on right now so let me explain. Mikey's body decided to capture the flu two weeks ago. Then Calum's body decided to get it on the fun. So when Mikey was recovering Ashton and I were taking care of Calum. I mainly spent time trying to get Mikey 100% better instead of Calum. I know it sounds heartless but I can't handle sick. So when Calum became better Ashton's body decided that he should get some fun out of it. Ashton only had the common flu so I took care of him and one thing led to another and here we are.

"Luke how about we get you in your bunk, yeah?" Mikey helped me up and led me to my bunk. As soon as I laid down my eyes began to drop and I was out like a light.

Mikey's POV:

Ashton and I were in the back room trying to catch some sleep. Calum took over Luke duty since he has had at most sleep I the past twenty four hours than any of us. Ashton started to have a coughing fit.

"Hey bud calm down." I told him. He soon stopped and caught his breathe. I walked over by him and felt for a temperature. "Looks like your body is finally trying to be healthy again."

Ashton smiled, "Yeah I know I feel way better. It's just this stupid head cold just wants to stay."

I walked out and got some meds to help get rid of his cold. When I walked out I saw the most terrifying thing. Luke was shaking violently and Calum was trying to stay calm but failed while doing so.


I crouched down and tried to get Luke to stay calm. But then Luke's body went straight up and he started to throw up blood. I started to panic more.

Luke started to sob, "Lukey calm down."

"I... can't." He cried.

"Alright Mikey we're here." Calum informed me.

I picked up Luke and we ran him into the hospital. Everything after that was a blur.


"Luke Hemmings." A voice called out.

We all shot out of our seats and hurried towards the doctor.

"Hello, I'm Dr. Hollan. Luke is very lucky to be still here. His temperature was over one hundred and five but luckily we got it down to one hundred and one. That is why he experienced the seizure. On the other hand we discovered that he has a severe case of the flu. He can go home tomorrow but he will be on strict bed rest for the rest of the week." She told us.

We all let out a sigh of relief. She directed us to Luke's room. Only Calum and I could go in since Ashton was still a bit sick. We walked in and Luke's face lit up like a Christmas tree.

"Hey Bud." I greeted.

He smiled, "Hey."

"Don't you ever scare us like that again." Calum scolded but then gave Luke a hug.

"Can't make any promises Hood." He laughed.

"You seem like you're feeling better." I stated.

He shrugged his shoulders, "I would say I feel 65% better. I still throw up here and there. I also have an annoying head cold. But otherwise I'm good."

"That's better than a seizure." I commented.

"Yeah way better. Did you call my mum?" He asked.

I nodded, "Yeah she's on a plane with your brothers right now."

"Good." He said with a relieved tone.

Liz never ended up coming since their flight became delayed so the boys ended up taking care of Luke. Within a couple of days Luke was back to himself and they continued with their busy tour life.


hope you enjoy this

love yall

x- miley

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